Tonight is the first night my wife goes back to work so I have both kids (a 2.5 y/o and a 3 month old) to tend to alone. Will be putting my fatherly skillz to the test. hnoes:
haha..yea i have to watch my son when i am drinking. he is quick to grab my beer and try to drink it.
Well....I made it out alive! It was kind of comical because it was one of those nights that "if something could go wrong, it did". Zander was awesome and helpful but was accident prone all night. Poor little guy probably has a few more bruises today. He was bumping his head, banging his arm, falling down or hurting himself all night. I was Mr. Butterfingers and was dropping, spilling or knocking shit over all night. At one point I had Coen screaming in my arms, Zan wrapped around my leg asking for chocolate milk, water boiling over onto the stove, the dogs barking at the damn neighbors, a stupid fucking telemarketer calling and all I could do was laugh hysterically as I reach for a glass of water and knock it over onto the counter. Getting Zan to eat is a easy as pie. Put food infront of him and he will devour it. Well the baby was not as simple. Coen gets his milk directly from the source so the biggest problem I had was getting him to eat from a bottle. He pretty much screamed for 30 minutes everytime I tried to feed him before I could get him to take the bottle. I don't know how many of you have had a 3 month old scream in your ear for 30 minutes but let me tell you that it sucks! I finally get him to take a bottle for dinnertime. Afterwards I go to burp him and he spits up about half of what he consumed all over my neck, shoulder, back and the recliner I was sitting in. Great. Well i guess thats what burb cloths are for. Too bad i had it laying in my lap underneith him. So I put Coen down on the floor and rush into the kitchen, grab a towel and run back to the recliner. What do i see. One of my dogs took advantage of the opportunity and jumped into the recliner and is quickly lapping up the curdled goodness. Ugh, that's fucking gross i think to myself as i yell "Get Down" at the dog. I make an attempt at wiping up the remaining spit up. Great one more thing to clean up more thoroughly later. No worries though. The house is a disaster at this point anyway. I look over at Coen and he is just smiling, giggling and kicking his feet in excitement. Well atleast he is having a good time driving me insane. Bedtime was the next challenge. My wife and I are usually pretty successful at getting both kids in bed by 8:30 since we can each take one. Well lastnight Zan didnt get to sleep till about 10:45. I wasnt stressed though. Shit i was glad to finally get Coen to sleep around 9:30 that I ended up making Zan and I a PBJ around 10pm. We just chilled out and I enjoyed spending some 1 on 1 time with him. Well I get him into bed and finally can relax a little. I surf the net a bit, fleet save and get up to start picking up the house. I turn into the hallway and Zan is sleeping in the hallway. Poor guy usually gets up 3-4 times a night trying to fight to stay awake. Well i guess tonight was too much for him and on his first attempt he crashed before he could make it to the kitchen. While picking him up and putting him into back into bed I thought to myself "man he is getting so big so fast" and I get a little sad. Man I love these kids!