What a crappy day.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by jayj713, Apr 9, 2006.

  1. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    So I decided to go with my girlfriend and her other girl friend to go bathing suit shopping. So I took McGinnis Ferry to get to satellite etc. etc. etc. Well, I was crossing Peachtree Industrial at a green light. And a lady turns right and swerves over a lane and hits my bumper. Kinda hard to visualize so i'll put it in different terms. Let's say i was going North. I cross the road, a lady that was heading west turns right to go north and hits the right side of my bumper. It wasn't anything serious but some paint got scratched off, my wheel is scuffed, and i have a small crack at a screw hole on the bumper. I have a few pics but it's kinda hard to see.

    My bumper:


    My tire:


    So yea it wasn't too bad. But the lady really pissed me off because she was like. "WTF where the hell did you come from??!?! How fast were you going??!!" She tried to make it sound like it was my fault but it was plainly her fault cause i had the green light and she had the red light. So I just acted polite and said I came from the other side ma'am and I was going speed limit.

    But that's not all, we went to the mall and shopped for like 2 hours. We ate dinner and they both didn't finish their food. So they both got togo boxes. Well we were going home and i started braking for a red light. I didn't break hard or anything but the girls were looking at their bikinis in the back. One of the girls had Sesame Chicken in a box or something and I guess she wasn't paying attention but it fell forward right onto my floor :(. So my car smelled like chinese food so i opened the windows to let it air out. Now it doesn't smell so bad but you can still kinda smell it. So I was already annoyed at the lady who hit me and this got me a little annoyed cause the inside of my car got dirty and it smelled like sesame chicken. So she was like omg im so so sorry. And I was like it's ok, it's ok. So she vacuumed the floor for me even though i said she didn't have to. There were only a few grains of rice but my floor was kinda sticky. So she vacuumed up like 5 grains of rice and then i was like it's fine, don't worry about it. So i left her house to take my gf home.

    So we get to my gf's house and she was like i'm so sorry for everything that happened today. I was like, don't worry about it, it's not your fault or anything. But she still felt bad. So i handed her drink to her, she takes it and then leans forward to give me a kiss and then i hear this. "Flop, splash, fizz." So i look over my shoulder and i see my right back floor flooded with sprite. And I was like... oh my god, what the fuck is wrong with today. I wasn't mad at her or anything but i was a bit annoyed at the day because of all the crap that happened. so now my back right floor is like sticky with all this shit.

    So yah, very annoying day but nothing serious happened. And what should i wash my floor with? And I have to go to court on like May 7th or something. There's no way she can put the blame on me right or some how make it my fault right?
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2006
  2. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    Ouch! That sucks!
  3. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    Wow that sucks. I have an auto carpet cleaner thing with a built in scrubber head that works really well. I think it's from Pep Boys. Hopefully you don't get blamed for the accident. It sucks being young because everyone wants to blame it on the stereotypical young careless teenager. Even at the dealership they treat me like shit because I'm 17. Age is the only thing against you I would say. Did the cop give a ticket to her? Hopefully things work out in your favor.
  4. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    thats a really bad day...

    u didnt say anything about what the cops said/did when they showed up
  5. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    Oh, the cop just did the usual. But uh, my license is from North Carolina cause i moved here like a year ago. And I haven't changed my license yet because if you're under 18 then you have to take all the tests again. So i was going to wait until i was 18 to get my license so i didn't have to take all the tests. But then this happened and he was like, you're way overdue to get your license changed. So he said I have to get my license changed before April 29th or something. And yea, the cop gave a ticket to her, and we both have to show up for court. Is it normal that we both show up for court? I think it's for my license but she's going the same day I am so i'm not sure.
  6. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    dang bro....steam clean that crap or just use some fabreeze......

    as for the wreck maybee you can get a front lip and a new set of wheels outta the deal:)
  7. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    lol milo, it was no where near as bad as your day. But i was just annoyed that everything happened the same day within like 3 hours.

    @bigb it was the rear bumper :p
  8. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    Definately try for some new wheels. I bet the dealer charges a hefty amount for a stock wheel. Just take that money and put it towards a new set or something.
  9. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    I might need some help going through this process. My mom is going out of town for 2 weeks tomorrow. The cop gave me the card with the phone number and the case number. Am i supposed to call them and tell them what my case number is? And then do i have to go down to the station? And where should i get my estimation from? Thanks :D
  10. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i would recommend you go to court... if u dont go, i wonder if she can get away with it and not have her insurance pay for you
  11. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Terrible news!

    There are a few body shop "recommendations" threads floating around lately, definately try and get int ouch with Scott Sanders, "NXTLVL", as he works for a body shop and can at least offer a reasonable price range for you to expect.
  12. Most of the time you can wait a few days and pick up a copy of the report from the police station...... in your case Suwanee PD, which is on Buford Hwy near Suwanee Dam.

    Your ticket has nothing to do with the accident...... you can go to court if you like or just pay the fine. Her ticket was for causing the accident, and you shouldn't be required to be present for her case unless you're summoned. That is, unless Suwanee does things their own special way..... check with someone when you go to pick up your report, or call the court before your scheduled court date to check.

    Either way, fault in the accident has little to do with who got the ticket..... fault is up to the insurance companies. The police report is just a tool they use to obtain objective information about the accident before they make their decisions. If her insurance company refuses to pay for some reason, tell your insurance company to go after them........ that's what you pay them all that $$$ for! :)

    Good luck!
  13. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    Awesome, thank's everyone :D
  14. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Dang dude that's what I call one hellava day. hope everything works out for the best.

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