What do you set your AC at?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by JL889, May 11, 2011.

  1. JL889

    JL889 Pandastic!

    What do you guys set your AC at during the summer/winter? I read somewhere that 78 is the best for summer. It said every degree below 78 add an additional 4-5% to your power bill. I also read that 68 was the best temperature to leave it at for the winter? My roomies constantly crank it down to 74, but I tell them the power bill is going to be ridiculous at that temp.

    2800 Sq ft Home
    2 Story Open Floor Plan
    Built in 1999 with good insulation
    2 Units one from 1999 2 ton and one from 2011 2.5 ton
  2. AutoxSTi

    AutoxSTi Member

    Dang, I have a 1900sq ft ranch and my bill is up the roof at 76 degrees with ceiling fans turned on. If it put it at 75 degrees summer, it's too cold for my skinny self. 69 degrees in the winter.
  3. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    I rock 78 degrees also, and have two units (upstairs/downstairs). One thing I've been doing is primarily running the upstairs and letting the cool air drop down and get to the low bit of the house (sometimes turn the downstairs to just fan). But, I'm holding off as long as I can, I put ceiling fans in the bedroom and den area and hoping that will hold me off a little longer.
  4. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I *used* to have to stay at 70*, but ever since I got a new system thanks to Drew, I can keep it at 74/75 and it's just as cool as before.
  5. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I have always preferred a cooler house. However, now that I live in a place with working AC I set it around 78. I'll go down to 77 if I am just getting home and am particularly warm. AC's certainly an expensive, got-to-have-it, amenity :)
  6. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    With insulation in the attic and crawl space plus the new AC/ duct work, I'm sitting at 72 right now. Of course later in the season that will steadily move up.
  7. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    depends on the house.
    My old house which had a fukton of money poured into it. windows, siding, house wrap, blown in attic insulation, new trane furnace and ac. the house was built in the late 60's I like it cold about 2600sqft.
    summer - 75
    winter - 73
    bills ranged in the $300 range for gas/electric

    now I have an all brick, 4yr old house, 4600sqft.
    summer - 74 down 73 upstairs
    winter - 73
    basically the same but I paid just a tad less than the old house but almost double the sq footage.

    moral of the story, go buy a huge newly built all brick house.
  8. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    my electric bill is $64 :D
  9. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    just a brick house will do, preferably a foreclosure with new windows installed. I hear there may be a few on the market around...

    Besides it's quite odd saying you have more money in the car than the house and not feel guilty.
  10. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    72-74 degrees year round...i want to be comfortable, plus, brett likes laying in my GT snuggie

    ...damnit, brett you are a lucky man I can't find that picture...if i do, so help me...

    EDIT - My girlfriend is awesome

    Last edited: May 12, 2011
  11. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I'm curious to see how my electric costs compare now that I've had insulation blown into the attic. I do feel like my gas bill was down somewhat.
  12. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    that whore...
  13. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    Alex in the old house the blown insulation was better for the bills than the windows at least for the few months that separated the 2 jobs.
  14. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Summer: 75 while away from the house during the day
    Summer: 73 when I am home.

    If I set the temp to 78 while away, it will never get down to a comfortable temp while the sun is out.

    Winter: 67
  15. Mindspin311

    Mindspin311 Member

    79 during the day when I am gone and 75/74 when I am home.

    Heat at 68 in the winter.
  16. Max Q

    Max Q Member

    68 at night and 72 during the day in the summer. $38 power bill. High ceilings ftw.

    Also, empty house most of the time ftw.
  17. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    68 at night seems kinda chilly...i'm cold under the covers at 72
  18. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I generally set mine to 65 at night during the summer and 63 during the winter. I love sleeping in the cold, and can't sleep at all if I am even slightly hot.
  19. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    How the hell is your power bill so low? I think I have more than $38 in fees alone from Georgia Power :rofl:

    Mine's a bit high because I am all hardwood above a basement/garage. I have new windows, blow-in up-top but unsealed floors. I'm fairly certain I'm losing a good bit of AC through them. I would like to have my ducts inspected and cleaned if necessary. Can anyone recommend a place they've had success with before?
  20. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member


    he's rarely ever home.
    Last edited: May 12, 2011
  21. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Right, I read that part. But I still assumed that he was running his ac at 72 during the summer all day :)
  22. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    74 when I'm home. 78 when I'm not. Winter 68 when I'm home 62 when not. Power hovers between $94-150. There were a few $250 bills when we had that awful cold snap where it stayed below freezing for 2 months straight.

    My house is an old brick house with all hardwood floors. I'm going to get insulation put in this year under the crawlspace to try to help keep the bottom of the house warm/cool. Floors are always freezing in the winter. Just got to decide if I want the traditional or the blown in foam kind.
  23. WRXmom

    WRXmom New Member

    I moved last year from Jackson EMC electricity ran home to a Georgia (bend you over) Power ran home. Both houses were the same size, built the same time and only 1.5 miles from each other. I pay 300% more for electricity at the Georgia Power house. Just saying..
  24. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    jeez...I'm the exact opposite. I pay twice as much with Marietta Power (government run, and it's corrupt as shit) as I did with Ga. Power.

    I was also on their budget billing program, so maybe that helps that my bills were always so low with them. You should look into that.
  25. 97s14

    97s14 New Member

    I have a 2600sq house downstairs and upstairs unit and I run my temperature at 77 to 78 degrees. My current electric bill is around 170 to 180 a month.
  26. 97s14

    97s14 New Member

    I'm with Jackson EMC

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