I don't know whether I should do TBE next or front and rear sways, what do you guys think? I only have AP and a Short Shifter (thanks to SakariMotorsports) is on the way right now. My cousin is going to split the cost of a tint with me over the summer for my late birthday present.
both lol but I would assume with 2.5l with new 06 wrx, should be alot better than older wrx's with 2.0... I would say suspension but exhaust sounds soo good haha plus you already have AP... get TBE or get downpipe and rear sway.. and later on when you save up more... get catback and front sway... little bit of both lol
since he already has ap that makes all the difference, ur making good power and now it's time to pay attetion to ur handling... remember a few extra horses changes ur handling very much.. give it a touch.. get f n r sway's or then if u want more power without caring abt ur handling which u could think ur superman u can handle everything then go tbe
My favorite place to go! you could go get some of both worlds... DP (stage2) and rear sway... then get front sway and finish the exhaust later.