My neighbors across the street have gone a bit too far with this one. One of them is gay, which is fine. To be honest, I dont really care, be gay all you want. I know I am straight all I want. I have nothing against gay culture, I grew up mostly in midtown. As a matter of fact, they tend to make great neighbors. This is not a rant against that culture by anymeans. My gripe comes down to using symbols and such...this guy has done over the hill and its now 100% intrustive. I cannot walk out of my house and not be just set back by this. He had a smaller pride flag before which was fine, go him...however I came back yesterday to find this. I have been sitting here all morning trying to figure out when exactly enough is enough and too much becomes way too much... Thoughts?
Thats where Im heading at somepoint soon. I just wanted to make sure I wasnt overthinking the situtation...
Egg the house? You guys are assholes IMO. So what he has a flag. I fly a huge LSU flag all football season as do many other football fans. No one complains about that. What about the american flag? A flag is a flag. He has his right IMO. To be honest, I was expecting to see something much worse based on your build up.
I realize, the change is just dramatic from the smaller one to the larger one. I'm well aware he has a right to fly his flag and do whatever he likes, that was never an agrument. I was simply stating that whats the point for such a huge one when his smaller ones were doing just fine...did he suddenly become more proud?
Seem to be blowing it a bit out of proportion mate. He's not causing any harm with it and it's not a particularly offensive image. Just put up a massive flag of Carmen Electra so people can see your straight pride.
Way to talk for us out here on the " Westside " of town CHRIS..... Hell yeah go Rednecks!! YEEHAW... But back to the point, I like the anonymous letter idea.
Just make sure it's carefully worded and polite, otherwise I wouldn't at all be surprised to see even more blatant advertising.
Norway, no. Sweeden, yes. To end the conversation from my end, regardless of what kind of flag it is, I think its jsut too much for the front of a house in this small of a neighborhood.