I like the one topspeed did. I say their our battleground. Where is battle ground? No offense scott but unless we have 4 our 5 dynoing I think we need the dyno jet not the pak.
yea depends on how many people we have. if we don't have that many i say have it at SoG. it's only minutes from my casa. -drums
Battleground is basically right off the Armore Drive Exit on the HW 13 access road deal next to 85. If you are familiar with the Ansley/Midtown area, you shoud know the general area I am talking about. Unless they've moved, that is where I last remember seeing their shop. They're right nextdoor to a buddy of mine's studio.
Topspeed was a great host last time, and plus i dynoed there stock, this time i will be slightly moded
consistentcy on a dyno really counts. for the guys that did dyno @ topspeed last time, they would be better off. even better since porter rocks!
hopefully we can get to this before the 21st so i can have a baseline for modding. keep us informed mike.
TOPSPEED. they did us well last time. i say we take it back there. lots of parking, they can dedicated time to us like last time and there have been alot more people on the site since then, i dont think that this time will be any different. More people, more cars, more food, more beer, earlier start time, bring parts to sell, do more installs, tell more jokes, smoke more smokes. TOPSPEED.
actually batlground motorsports is on atlanta blvd next to dobbins AFB and Lockheed. My question is how many pulls do you get and how much will it cost. Also, I would definately say Topspeed or Batlgound because of the time. 30-40 min per car is far to long...it would take a week to get through everyone.
last time knowledge talked to me about hosting a dyno day at their shop... they said that though they have dynapak, they will get a significant amount to help to get at least 20 cars through... they were also ready to match the $40 price... i thought it might be a nice change to do it somewhere else this time... also its nice to run on the same dyno for comparisons but keep in mind that changes in weather will affect ur numbers just the same if everyone still wants to do it again at topspeed, then i won't try to talk to knowledge
Don't worry, I will be making some phone calls today and tomorrow. When should we do this... a week from now, 2 weeks, 3 weeks from now.... please discuss..
The hook up I'm sure I can get you guys a good deal at Batlground. If you will let me know when I will talk to Tracy. Matt
almost any saturday is good for me... however, 21st is the headlight baking day and 28th is the mountain run... mike: if u have time, make the calls and see what people have to offer matt: if u could get a price, dates and info on extras like food, etc. from batlground, that would be cool
I'm sure pricing and extras will also be affected by number of people. So, assuming we found a date that worked for everyone, what is our head count so far. I'm definately in. I believe milo is right....weather is as much a factor as keeping dyno consistancy. Besides who's to say that topspeed's dyno is calibrated just the same as it was the last time. However, changing dyno type all together might make a more significant difference.
head count so far is 17 http://www.wrxatlanta.com/bb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1386 last time we had a similar head count but over 25 showed up
ill show up but only watch you guys make pulls and have some fun!!!! but ill be there just let me know where and when.
i want to roll but i dont think that i can, i have to be at ft. pickett for my annual training the first weeks of june and the 21st of may is headlight day and the 28th is mountain run. 30th is the lakeside memorial day subaru bash. SO... that leaves june. so sad.
As always, we're all about it! We'd love the opportunity to host you guys at the shop again. We can cook out again as always, Giovanni's always up for those rosemary burgers. Maybe we can grill up some chicken or some brats next time as well. We'll have the dyno rolling any weekend you guys want to do this, we have another mechanic now (w00t!) so there will be no time conflicts with anything dyno-related. We did ~23 cars in a day the last time around and should be able to easily match or beat that if there are enough cars. With the extra set of hands we can cycle through with a quickness and actually take more time on the dyno per car. Thanks again fellas, we love you guys! :bigthumb: :bigthumb: :bigthumb: Jason Porter TopSpeed 678-297-7770
BG I talked to Tracy this afternoon, she was very excited about the idea of hosting a dyno day, if not this one then possibly one in the future. $40 a car Ill take care of the grilling. Matt
thanks for the quik info matt... yeah, looks like most people wanna do it at topspeed this time... sorry... but will definitely try to do one at batlground in the future... i still need to check that place out
no worries Maybe Ill stop by the dyno day and throw the suby on the dyno. I need to get dan to finish up the race gas map first. Matt
OK everyone. I will try to coordinate a date that will work for as many people as possible. We'll try to keep this organized. Everyone who wants to go, PM me your top 4 saturdays that you want dyno day. No earlier than may 21, but it seems like peeps want it in june. If you don't care the day PM that. If you have 1 or 2 definately no dates, send it and I'll try to consider it.