Wow! been a while since I've been on:wavey:. So here's the situation, there is this whining sound coming from the engine bay. From time to time it would go away, and certain days it wouldn't happen. The noise stops when I turn the car off, and back on immediately. I thought it was the timing belt (could it?), because I just had it replaced.. but the sound is VERY loud from the bottom of the car, compared to the top. HELP
Tensioner? Had mine go out on my WRX at like 80K miles. Other than that, hard to tell from the description....power steering fluid level good?
Sorry about the description, I don't know how else to describe can say it like a winding sound. Could it be the tensioner? I just had my belts done too.
Yeah it does. But if I listen closely I can still hear it a little.. ehh I might just have to take it to SOG
Any final conclusion on this? It sounds similar to a problem that I had, which turned out to be a tensioner.