I know that there are a few EVOs on here now, so I figured I'd give it a shot... Its a white EVO VIII with carbon hood, lip, spoiler, and canards. Its also on 18" black with a polished lip wheels. I see him all the time, but I never have a chance to meet him.
i see him now and then... the wht one w/ lots of carbon stuff . i tried to find him on evogase but he is not on there. doesnt wave either.
Yeah, I couldn't get him to wave at me either. Everytime I see him, he tries racing through the middle of Gainesville... Hes part of that 'Street Distinction' club
i hate in gainesville those ... "people" try to race you in a cavalier or a dodge ram heavy duty pickup. you know the "people" im talking about?
oh yeah... the "people" with the Virgin Mary decals and an airbrushed mural of their truck crossing the border
whats the deal w/ them and their skinny gold bike wheels on their accords? and every one of them play same music over and over. (same beat anyways) ((oh crap now im going to get my car keyed))