if this makes it back to August 07 rates again I'll be all over a PPG gearset. Unfortunately it looks like it will never happen. I have a place in Australia that I can get them from cheaper than I can get them anywhere here even with shipping but they are still pretty steep.
Same reason gas is I really hope the economy turns around. Just one MORE reason for the fairtax!! If anyone is not familiar
LiquidForce told me he isn't gonna get a six speed. His car is a purpose built street/drag car. For the drag purposes he doesn't want a 6 speed. As he already knows it KILLS your ET and 60' times.
I am not in a hurry but eventually I will have to bite the bullet. I plan on buying the parts in phases as I get the money so atleast it won't seem as bad as it really is. I already have a front diff and am about to buy the clutch. I am not trying to build a purpose built drag car I just don't like the 6spd ratios.
Both. The straights are flat out obnoxious. I heard a car with them from 2 blocks away and I'm 70% deaf in both ears. The helicals aren't that bad but a tad louder than reverse at all times.
Woohoo... The Australian dollar has finally tanked. I can now get a gearset shipped from Australia for less than 4000. That is now 400 less than I would pay for a 6 speed when you add in taxes. Price now 3,980.3998 Price at time of first post 4798.4
Yeah but you still have to get someone to install the gears unless you know someone. AndrewTech does 'something' special to their installs. Also there are reports of the breaking now. My buddy who has a PPG straight 1-4 just stripped the teeth on 2nd and he is only at 400 hp and AndrewTech installed them. They told him abuse was the culprit. Food for thought.....
He is local so I don't even know his SN much less if he is on the boards. I will find out or get him to sign on here.
SO DO I!!!! but I have no idea what I'm doing... so I'll only charge you a hiding spot in the RV for the 10hr.... :wiggle::wiggle::wiggle::wiggle::wiggle::wiggle:
Bumped the boost up today since the ppg's are getting cheaper. :naughty: I forgot how fast my car actually is. I have been running 18 psi but only in the upper rpms (5k +). This is not even hitting the sweet spot for the turbo. I upped it to 23 today and let it reach full boost sooner and damn its fast. Not sure for how long though hnoes:
When I took the clutch out two pucks were totally missing. Nothing but rivets making contact with the pressure plate and flywheel. hnoes: Certainly doesn't lend itself to a good launch. :rofl:
As soon as the guy gets back to me about the taxes/duties on the purchase. Hopefully things work out and I can have them by next week. I am not going to hold my breath though. If the taxes are too high it may put them back out of reach for a while.
Well I now have ppg's on the way. I ended up with 1-4 helicals but for 2800 total cost I really couldn't resist. Even if they aren't as strong as a 6 speed gearset they should do me just fine. They have to be better than the stock gears that are somehow survivng in my car now.
Your stock gears are surviving because you have your car turned down. Didn't you say that you had the boost ramping later than normal therefore your tq is down?
Right now I am running 21 psi by 4200 rpms and 23-24 at redline. I am letting it get to 21 as soon as it can. I am trying to keep the torque to just below 400 across the board. If the stock 5mt can handle that with my driving style the PPGs can surely handle a little more. Before I had the 6 speed I was running over 400tq with a 20g on the 5mt and didn't have any issues. That included plenty of 1.7x launches at the strip but I never did flat shift.
1st and second showed up today. 3rd and 4th will be here on Saturday. I also have a line on some shift forks but not sure if I need them. I never have and never will flat shift the car so the stockers should be fine. I can get the forks for about 400 for both when they are 350 each new so I may just do it just because they are so cheap. If I get the forks the total cost will still be less than what just the 07 6mt would cost. And that includes a front lsd with the ppg's. I can't wait to run full boost again