Why PowWeb Sucks (and the recent downtime)

Discussion in 'WRXatlanta.com Updates' started by Alex, Oct 2, 2005.

  1. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Never use these people. They are incompetent, moronic and have not the slightest idea of customer support nor satisfaction. Never once have I been more dissatisfied with a purchase in the club's life. This is simply a giant let down. I moved everything to PowWeb in the hope to avoid the occurences with the previous host, feeling like I had made the the right decision. Now, however, I realize that their NetApp based servers are simply the wrong choice. Dealing with their customer support is about as gratifying as burning a hole in my left foot. Interacting with their control panel is about as satisfying as resodding my front yard.

    In short, never use this company. I thought, with the reviews I had read, they would be the correct choice. Now however, I deeply regret that decision and would like to appoligize to the members of this community. I appologize once again for this downtime.

    Now, based on new reviews I've read, it seems BlueHost (www.bluehost.com) and LunarPages (www.lunarpages.com) are our best bets.

    What do I like about LunarPages?

    What do I like about BlueHost?

    • Host 6 Websites with 1 Hosting Account
    • Free Private Whois Service for Your Domain Name
    • 50 MySQL Databases

    What do I like about both?
    CPanel Control Panel, I've used this before and it is hands down my preferred CP. Neither of them are PowWeb. There's more to this of course.

    Read reviews: http://www.10-cheapwebhosting.com/hosts/LunarPages.php
  2. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i don't know much about hosting... im sure u will make the right choice
  3. CROSSeyed

    CROSSeyed Member

    Can we find out who nasioc and iwsti are using (I'm assuming they are not self hosted)? I have not been hitting them for an extended amount of time, but I've never seen them down.
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I'm going to venture a guess also that their hosting is well out of my affordability.
  5. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    lunar sounds good to me, but like milo said i dont know much about this stuff either. I just see the small details like moving your site for free, and money back guaruntee.
  6. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    I use http://made2own.com/ and they have been reliable. Dunno if you are looking for hosting still but eh it can't hurt to know some other places in case this one falls through.

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