Worksafe Theme! Awesome!

Discussion in 'Meta' started by keeganxt, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    I searched for this, cause i'm not sure how long this theme has existed, and it didn't turn up anything. But this is a great idea...genius even. While I don't typically have people looking over my shoulder, I know alot of people do...and this is a great addition to the site.

    That is all! Brought to you by the color green!
  2. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    Alex just reenabled the "worksafe" theme, but it was there in one of the last versions of wrxatl. I agree it is pretty awesome, but at my office it doesnt matter if I am online or not, so I just use Classic.

    Plus, the font is really damn small:)
  3. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

  4. caseyfoster

    caseyfoster Member

  5. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

  6. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    well i tried...I had never seen it before...and thought I'd offer a compliment to our glorious leader ALEX!!!
  7. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    yes hail king alex! madness? THIS IS WRXATL!!!! AHHHHHHHH...haha..sorry 300 moment
  8. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member


    Glad to help.
  9. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    now if I could be knighted w/ some wrxatl stickers my life would be complete..haha
  10. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Just an fyi, I had to first enable the darkness theme to gain access to the workpsace theme? DNS issue?
  11. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    yes same here
  12. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Odd, Ill look into it today.

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