World Cup Finals @ Taco Mac

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by SkullWRX, Jul 2, 2006.


Which Taco Mac

Poll closed Jul 6, 2006.
  1. Decatur (East of Midtown)

    4 vote(s)
  2. Perimeter Mall (400 and 285)

    5 vote(s)
  1. SkullWRX

    SkullWRX Member

    OK, the world cup finals are Sunday, July 9 at 2pm. I'm planning on going to Taco Mac to watch then. I'm laying out two choices of locations... Decatur (LOTS of Big TVs) or the one at Perimeter (haven't been to yet, but some other people have). I just wonder about the crowds at Perimeter mall. Anyway, vote for what's most convenient for you and we'll get it figure out that way. Poll closes Wednesday at midnight so everyone can plan accordingly. It should be a good time!
    We'll meet at 1pm to ensure that late people can still get some seats and we can hang out beforehand.
  2. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Sounds like a plan.
  3. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    The mall one is not directly in the mall but off in that new open area "thing" they have right near it, correct? Traffic shouldn't be too bad at 2 around there i don't think.
  4. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    Yeah, the Taco Mac is across from CompUSA/Petsmart etc and is in a huge parking lot with PLENTY of parking. It's in the Super Target parking lot along with a bunch of other restaurants. Plus, once you get off the freeway, you just go straight until you see the shopping center on the left.
  5. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    The taco mac in Suwanee is brand new and has nothing but HDTVs. If you've never seen a sporting event on an HDTV display, you are truly missing out.

    edit: if the one at Perimeter is in the new strip mall, I'm betting they have all HDTVs as well. You should check it out!
  6. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    awww man I gotta i guess I'll be watching it at work:thumbsdow
  7. SkullWRX

    SkullWRX Member

    where is Suanee in relation to the other two? A final in HD would be pretty awesome
  8. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Up 85 near where atlfalcons training camp is.
  9. SkullWRX

    SkullWRX Member

    I'm not familiar with that... in relation to SoG, is it farther North or South?
  10. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    It's further up Satelitte till you get to Lawrencville/Suwanee Rd and you make a left and it's right there on your right...probably only like 10 miles from SOG...if that
  11. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    I'm betting that the one at Perimeter has all HDTVs as well. That may be more centrally located for everyone.
  12. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    Yeah they have tons of plasma screens all over the perimeter Taco Mac, so I assume they bought Plasmas with HDTV.
  13. SkullWRX

    SkullWRX Member

    first off, bump as a reminder. Looks like the winner is Perimeter. Plan on getting there about 1pm. Those of you who have been there... what's the address so we can mapquest directions?
  14. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

  15. rsxkiller

    rsxkiller Member

    Sweet... at the perimeter? I'll be there at noon.... game starts at 1:00pm EST. ITALY IS GONNA WIN!!!! ;):sx:
  16. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    I think i'll come over as well.
  17. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    i may be there as well...

    Fruck Fance!!
  18. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    possibly down
  19. Well i have class till 3 near an old ex-Taco mac place. I have to get home and drive another 9 miles...i dunno if i should bother going because it might be over then anyways.
  20. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    it wont be over. I'm pretty sure it will last at least 2 hours.
  21. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    I'll be there if I can get my car fixed (hoping homedepot can be my car's saviour)
  22. AGL_7882

    AGL_7882 Member

    im gonna be a lil late. ill probably get there round 2:30
  23. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I know nothing about Football, but I'll be there to chillax for a few ;)
  24. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    can someone explan where it is..?? i wanna come but i dunno the directions are confusing me..
  25. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    SHIT I JUST WOKE UP. leaving now :p
  26. rsxkiller

    rsxkiller Member

    Sorry guy's but I could not stay see u soon.
  27. So...what happened? Theres like a couple guys at Taco Mac Ellard village.
  28. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    Italy Wins!!!!!!!!
  29. SkullWRX

    SkullWRX Member

    sorry about all of the confusion guys... we ended up at Loco's in Druid Hills because EVERYWHERE had not seats.... Looks like in 4 years we'll just have to arrive more than an hour early to get seats ;-) Either way, France should have won!
  30. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

  31. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    it was good game i watched from my nebhors house..
    also i got my oil changed
    and now it's time for some strobes..
  32. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    that was an intense game. I got there a few minutes late and just headed to the nearest bar after being told of the 2 hour wait time. Hope everyone was able to catch it in the end
  33. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    where did you guys end up seeing the game?....I watched it at Bugaboo after I was cut...great game....impressive head-butt by Zidane!!!....
  34. I just saw that replay. Damn he owned that guy, whyd he do it?
  35. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Well I will say that the guy on the recieving end was takin one for the team cause what ever he said pissed him right off.

    Cut?? hope ya ok. I gave you a holla me and a few others ended uo at the taco mac on holcolmbbridge cause when we got to the TM @prem. everyone was gone and was was a crazy wait for a table. We walked right in and sat down in about two-three min. over there.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2006
  36. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    dude, spalding was such an awesome road, if we didn't have those slow ass cars in front of us it would've been a lot more fun!

    When they were walking back the italian guy had like his arms around zidane, and he was talking to him. Then zidane started walking away and the italian guy said something and then zidane turned around and fucking raped him in the chest. OWNED.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2006
  37. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Yeah spalding is one of my favorite roads even more curves if we went to the right it all ends up in the same place if you keep stright glad you enjoyed it!
  38. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Haha that headbutt was massive. Other than Italy's goal I'd say it was the best highlight of the game.
  39. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    it was purely barbaric... :bigthumb:
  40. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    "cut" meant I was done with my shift...sorry for the confusion (restaurant terminology)...I got your message at like ten minutes left in the game, if I had forseen overtime+penalty kicks..I would have tried to meet up with you guys....but in soccer, you never know what's gonna happen and didn't want to miss the outcome....Thanks for the call though!!! ;)
  41. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    No problem,we got to see all the good stuff!
  42. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Locos made me so fucking sick, ugh.

    On a lighter note, the game was enjoyable.
  43. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  44. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    lol i was just waiting for those
  45. SkullWRX

    SkullWRX Member

    haha priceless.

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