Wrecked/broken down? on PIB, white

Discussion in 'General Community' started by jomotopia, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. jomotopia

    jomotopia Member

    i did not personally see it. however i drive a white 04 STi and upon getting home i got 2 messages from 2 coworkers saying that they just passed me on the side of the road on Peachtree Industrial and telling me to let them know if i need a ride to work and they hope i'm ok.

    so i'm wondering if whoever they saw was on here and if they're ok.

    additional info: it was on the northbound side near Suwannee Station/Fresh Market. my coworker said it was "definitely" a Subaru and had the same spoiler as mine (stock STi spoiler).
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2007
  2. Blkburu

    Blkburu Member

    I saw him. Hew got hit or hit a mini van i think it was. hope everything is well
  3. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    It was me. Some dumb fuck old lady in a old green corolla tried to make a left there, to go south, at that intersection and plowed into my pass door, spun me around. I was headed north. She must have been high. I don't see how she thought she could squeeze between a truck that just passed her and me. I avoided killing her (panic and lock up the brakes, T-boning her driver door) by swerving to the left and gunning it. I almost made it then she punted the pass rear door and rear wheel. I did a graceful 180 spin and then proceeded to roll in reverse to the shoulder. All this was in heavy 6:30 pm traffic.

    The worst part was the sign in the median, I grazed it ever so slightly and it snagged my rear bumper and pulled it 3/4 of the way off, popping my driver side tail light. I got everthing back together and she's on the road again..albeit with a nice big band-aid on the bumper and some lens repair tape. :) Going to the body shop Monday for an estimate. Cops were really cool and said it was obvious she was at fault, failure to yield.

    Anyone have a spare 04-07 rear bumper and a 04 driver side tail? Thanks!
  4. N2BNLOW

    N2BNLOW Member

    Dang sorry to hear that. But at least your ok.
  5. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    sorry to hear this bs happend to ya. best thing is you're okay. seems like these drivers are getting worse and worse everyday.
  6. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    So sorry to hear it bro...:wtc: I had some oblivios azz do the same to me a few weeks ago and I have no idea how I drifted out of it. glad your not hurt man
  7. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

    damn trey!
  8. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    damn Trey....Glad you're ok man!!
  9. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Wow. What surprises me is that people can't hear us coming. Most of out cars are pretty loud.

    Glad nobody was hurt and your car is going to be fixed.
  10. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    Damn Trey.... glad you're ok bro.
  11. Intrigue2727

    Intrigue2727 Member

    soory man glad you r ok
  12. jomotopia

    jomotopia Member

    wow that sucks. sorry. glad you're ok. i thought it might have been you. good luck getting everything fixed. hopefully that woman will be punished!
  13. schneid

    schneid Member

    woah Trey just read this...sorry to hear it bro!

    glad you are OK and the car is mostly OK!
  14. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

    Yeah people can't drive on PIB! Glad your ok, she has insurance right?
  15. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Reading your story reminds me of the deer around Peachtree City. They're all suicidal.
  16. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    Thanks for the well wishes.

    The car is basically fine, just superficial stuff that can easily be replaced. I was just very thankful all last week...considering the alternative. I have a 1 y/o and want to stick around to see her grow up.
  17. Captain Slow

    Captain Slow Member

    Hey man, snet you a pm, but just saw this thread, glad your ok man.
  18. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member

    pm'ed you about bumper
  19. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    Thanks Joey and Ramblin for the offer! :bigthumb:

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