Crashed my WRX wagon on windward parkway. not cool. I don't think they are going to total it. It just missed the frame rail.
I hope you're alright too man! That sucks. Isn't like the second posted accident in two weeks? Be careful guys!
as i hope you're alright as well! my buddy w/ an m3 told me he saw you after accident occurred at winward..wasn't sure if it was someone on here...sorry to hear! keep us updated on repair!
I'm sorry to hear about your crash and am glad you are okay. I hope you don't mind me asking how it happened?
I'm glad you're okay broseph! PS. Weird, A Scanner Darkly just started on HBO right as I clicked on this thread and saw your avatar.
Glad you're okay! I didn't think the last car I was in an accident with would be totaled, but when the started adding labor costs in, it quickly surpassed the cost of the vehicle.
I think I'm ok, I'm going to find out tomorrow I have an early MRI. (neck hurts) Airbags did not go off, but thats because the impact missed the sensor on the frame. It probably should have actually. I was coming off the exit and traffic was moving up at the light while I was slowing down. I looked down for half a second and then they were stopped right in front of me. slammed the brakes tagged them with the driverside front. Right now the car is at Lethal Injection. I should have some pics tonight
this really sucks because I was actually going to enter the Subaru challenge this week now that I have tires and brakes... Maybe I can convince my roomate to let me run his car, not very likely though..... Matt, put him on your list.
Unlucky mate, it's such a shitty feeling. Hopefully things will work out though, and hey at least you're ok!
still in pain, they elected to only do a xray. not too happy about that. And unfortunately I do not have the cash to get a new 08 sti.... One can dream though