WrxAtl Drrraaaggooon Run - Will Be ReScheduled WILL RESCHEDULE THIS RUN ***************************************************** Sorry for all the Options on the poll. Multiple vote options is turned on. Please vote for the following: - The Date range you would like to run - Weekend or Weekday Preference OR if you could care less vote for the last. ***************************************************** All right folks. I know lots of people are wanting to run the dragon including myself. I will get this started by posting a few dates and once we get a general concensus we will go from there... I figure we would plan out a few months or so just some people can tweak schedules... Whether we do one day or over night , we can figure that out after we get a time frame set. Please vote !!
just to put this in perspective. That's 1 turn every 183.6 feet for 11 miles!!! Or for you football people, 2 turns from endzone to endzone... :3some:
Just an idea. I know there might be a good size group heading up to Maggie Valley NC for the Subaru Challenge. How bout just making that a long weekend and do the challenge on Saturday with a Dragon Run on Sunday and then head on home. Just wanted to toss that idea out there. Please give me some feedback on how that sounds?
Its a mid evil times run where you streak across north points parking lot while yelling "Turbo boost!!, Turbo boost!!" the dragon. http://www.tailofthedragon.com/
September 23rd, that weekend will be our choice. probably Saturday morning and come back on Sunday. We had that few months ago and worked out great. The Evo GA with some of the SE people may go up to Fontana village for the weekend stay. http://www.evolutionse.com/forums/showthread.php?t=507 that's our thread for the Dragon meet. EDIT: actually the date will be changed for us. We maybe shooting for late October... We have the BDSM Vs EVO GA challenge coming up. lol
I definitely want to go, and late October sounds good to me. I'm planning on staying the weekend somewhere up there.