WRXATL Wii Numbers

Discussion in 'General Community' started by XanRules, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    Post 'em up! :naughty:

    Mine's 4309 9117 8247 3321
  2. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    Okay, I swear I'm not retarded...but I cant find any wii number anywhere...
  3. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

  4. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    What's the expiration date and security code on that credit card?

    oh, and is it Visa, MC, or Discover?

  5. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    ok, now I feel more retarded, because that was the only friggen place I didnt look...

    my wii number is: 0849 4636 1147 7668
  6. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member


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