WRXAtlanta.com v7 (and no it isnt windows)

Discussion in 'Meta' started by Alex, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Well with the new year and all that mumbo jumbo it is time to begin work on version 7 of our community. Before you jump to conclusions, this is version 7 because the version we are all currently using is 6. This has nothing to do with windows 7 (have to stress this for the IT nerds).

    I am curious to hear what everyone would like to see in this version as well as what they would like to NOT see. I am more than happy to design a "darkness" version of the v7 theme as well.

    Here's what I want in the new version
    • More streamlined header, drop from 100px to maybe 60px tall max. Remove ad from header.
    • Use a smaller google ad (same size as the ad up top right now) and place the two ads horizontally beneath the new streamlined header
    • Considering dropping some of the "new" vbulletin features that I, personally, think are dumb like the myspace style profile page...but that's why this thread exists. I may think it is dumb, maybe you love it.
    • Speaking of social networking, we could set up the profile pages to include automatically parsed links to your facebook, myspace, girlsgonebad, etc social network
    • Keep the blues, I love them. Drop the pure white background, reduce contrast a hair and increase overall appeal
    • Push the thread tagging for improved search results
    • Implement google search (each search pays the community a couple pennies)
    • Re-worked footer, including links to updated Terms of Service, RSS/XML and finally figuring out this whole WAP and mobile deal

    Now it's your turn, what do YOU want to see?
    • Keep darkness (well duh)
    • Specific age new posts button

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2009
  2. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    DARKNESS! Keep it! That is one of my favorite things about this site.
  3. Slowsoul

    Slowsoul Member

    I would like a donation button in my user CP directly linked to my paypal account...so people can help me pay for mods.
  4. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I would like a button that allows you to see new post based on a set of parameters like 1 week 1 month etc....
  5. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    What is "windows"?
  6. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    I'd like it to be easier to edit our member titles. I don't know how to do it...

    And this going to be the JDM V7? Or are we getting in the US, too?

    See what I did there?
  7. John

    John Active Member

    Sorry to dig up an old post but I couldn't resist.

    Can I get one of these buttons too? LOL
  8. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Funny you mention this but I was debating implementing a "Buy Me A Beer" option, with the price fixed to $3.00. This way if you would like to thank a member, beyond simply clicking the "Thank You" button, you can :)
  9. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    alex, i'd like to hear more about this girls gone bad social network.
  10. John

    John Active Member

    Well....if I could gather $3.00 from every member on the board, I would have a 600hp BD Legacy pretty quick!

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