I'm starting this thread so we can see what we all look like. If you want you can post a pic and give a little description or something. I'm a big tall goofy looking guy. I'll be the tallest person at any Suby meet, I'm pretty sure of it. I drive a white wagon that is all stock exterior (for now).
Co-Founder, Adminstrator, and enjoy long moonlight walks on the beach...erhmm. If you dont know me, I'm sure you will soon enough :bigthumb:
hahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahah alex is actually looking for those glasses... guess he wears his halloween costume all the time
I thought I'd be nice and save y'all the hassle of trying to figure out what the rest of the picture was. Craig
Me in my glory days , so dont be looking for the hair b/c its not that big anymore, -lostinthewoods 05 blck STI
money suit hey shane, i wear a monkey suit all the time too. in september, i get to wear one everyday for a year in 130ยบ weather. good times. im guessing that you are an active duty officer, cause i cant figure out how in the hell you have an srt-4 and an STI. either way its cool, i just wanna know why your bank roll is fatter than mine sionce we wear the same oufit to work.
nevermind i figured it out, you wear a different money suit than i do. i missed the fact that you are a member of the country club. Im army thats why i have a WRX and jeep instead of an STi and an SRT4
Thomas Alan Waterworth well here ya go, my addition to the yearbook. i think that this is the closest one i have to a dumb school picture
Re: money suit hey tom, whats up bro. good luck in the sand box bro! make that active duty pay, hazard duty, etc, ect. as for me...I'm active duty AF (chair force) w/ no kids living overseas making that overseas pay as an E-5. plus, the wif has an income also. again, good luck to ya bro!!! see ya when i get back in 06'!!!
right on good deal man, yeah im an army e-5 so i hear ya. the g/f future wife should be pulling the income soon too so hopefully she will be able to save while im gone. i dont think that she will be getting anything fun like an srt 4 though. shes pretty with her slow civic. im happy with that though cause if it wasnt that she would be trying for me to get her than damn Audi A4. my pocket cant handle that if you know what i mean. i'll be gone all 06 but i'll catch ya in 07 when i get back. HA! keep in touch. where are you overseas?
Have you guys already been to Iraq. One of my best friends from home is there now. He is in the Army, I think by now he is E6 or maybe higher, He was in the 82nd Airborne. I haven't talked to him in about a year. He was stationed at Fort Bragg (I think) in NC.
Never been. Have had the opportunity to go to Balad. I said fuc# that shi@. I'll stay here.:bigthumb:
yeah seems like they like to take them from fort brag. my brother-in-law is there on his third tour. but hes gettin mad paid though. and hes jumpin through some ranks.
Its me... semi recent pic of me (6 years ago) - but I dont really age, so I look the same then as I do now.