I'm hitting up some mtn roads this coming sunday and was wondering if anyone had a GoPro or GoProHD that I could borrow. If you're reluctant to out right let me borrow, I'd be willing to be a small rental fee and would def agree to replace if lost/damaged.
If you buy one, Mission Source is givng friends and family of my team 30% off everything they sell. They are located in Alpharetta and have the Go Pros in stock. http://ngca.us/News/FV/tabid/102/ArticleID/48/CBModuleId/424/Default.aspx
i have one...cohen says you're good, fine w/ me. Have the car kit, too, so you can suction cuppy it to your shit. I'll be at petit from tomorrow afternoon through sunday. located in marietta, though, if you wanna come pick up in the morning. Have to supply your own SD card.
no problem at all - now post up the vids how did the suction thing work? i've yet to use that feature. As you probably saw, that camera gets the shit beat out of it. It's been snowboarding, swimming, rafting, caving, repelling, and pretty much anything else I can put it through. Glad i could help
We'll be posting them up soon. Got to go through and edit out all the boring down time, stuck behind motorhome/harley's/etc. The suction worked pretty awesome. It held on quite well...which it should, being rated for like 200mph right?
i think it's weight rated to something like 200lbs, which should be more than adequate for pretty much anything.