Around 8:45 am between Howell Mill and Moores Mill you passed me. I was in the Silver Wagon with a roof rack. Nice ride. Saw the WRXAtlanta decals, so I know you are here. 2 questions - What exhaust do you have? And what wheels/size? (hard to tell at speed)
That would be me! :wavey: The exhaust on the car is Autobahn, which apparently was a local company that is not around anymore (the owner before me put that exhaust on) My wheels are flat black Rota Slips 17x7.5 Your car looked slick with the roof rack! What exhaust was on your car? And there was a red/maroony bugeye that got on 75 from 10th st. at the same time about 3 mins before me... Anyone here? Thats what happens when you have a bright yellow car with a loud exhaust and then drive around the Atlanta Metro Area for work... I am a sightings slut!:ddirty:
Exhaust sounded nice. I've got a Stromung CBE with the XA type tip.. I want to get some wheels sometime soon. Definately black! See you around.