Meth was 25psi... then 28psi on racegas. But we were hitting a wall were it wouldn't make anymore power, so right now the stock wrx heads are the limiting factor. On straight pump 19psi it made 390hp iirc... honestly we didn't push it hard on just pump since the pump map is just used when the meth breaks.
Roger that I was just curious how the numbers compared to the Mustang Dyno it was on, doesn't sound like the mustang reads as low as they would have you think
matt my base pull was like 357 hp. that map on the mustang read 344 and it was almost 15 degrees hotter when i was on the mustang.
It was really nice meeting you today. I am so happy for you to have finally completed your build and hit the numbers you wanted. Have a safe trip home!
Your Q16 numbers are nearly identical to my meth numbers at 28psi. Trust me, you will get use to it and want more down the road. Enjoy it till then.
some really sick Scooby churning out these days. Congrats on final number, all the hard work finally paid off.
I'm done. And I hope your meth numbers = my q16 numbers. Got to remember my build cost only 1/3 of your entire build
The price was probably closer than you think. Mine was the first "street" tested RR1. I got a very good deal thrown my way. My meth numbers were 528whp/483wtq. Pretty close.
So did they skip all the letters between C and Q? What is this "Q16" fuel and how does it compare to C16?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q16™ Q16 is highly oxygenated, requiring a 4-6% increase in fuel flow, which will make 3-5% more power than competitive 116 octane fuels. Excellent in higher compression Super Late Model or other applications up to 17:1. Q16's superior vaporization characteristics yield more efficient combustion and lower engine operating temperatures. The added fuel flow also effectively increases the octane of Q16 by 6-8 numbers above its standard ASTM octane rating, yielding greater detonation protection. Excellent for drifting and Time Attack applications. The only difference I can tell between C16 and Q16 is that Q16 is oxygenated which increases the Research Octane of the fuel.
I know how much you paid. My entire build (motor, rotated, everything) cost about what your rotated kit cost. Still I dunno what you are trying to say here.....comparing apples to oranges.
Not trying to say anything or even compare builds. I was just comparing how similar our power numbers are and that once you get use to it, you'll be itching for more. I said that I was done when I got mine back, but now I'm getting the itch again. I could care less what we both paid as long as we are both happy. Good luck and enjoy!
SPECIFICATION SHEET FOR Q16 (Typical Values) Specific Gravity: .716 @ 60°F Lead: Yes Oxygenated: Yes Color: Yellow Motor Octane: 116 Research Octane: 120+ Reid Vapor Pressure: 6.76 Oxidation Stability (min.) 1440+ Distillation: 10% evap @ 141.0°F 50% evap @ 174.0°F 90% evap @ 214.5°F E.P. @ 260.2°F Availability: Sealed Drums Rev: 07/07
Yup. Smells like peppermint when you pour it. :lol: I love the smell of this stuff. I've filled my tank twice already with 93 and can still smell the wonderful scent of leaded gas. LOVE IT!
huge congrats on the numbers, it is pretty sweet with nice spool white exhaust tips like your car is a crack head :naughty: is in very bad shape now. I was on the way home. It been raining. My phone rang. My stupid butt trys to fumble and answer it. I almost miss my turn and snatched the wheel. Hit gravel and slid. I get tapped in the rear barely and there's no saving it. Hold on and BAM into the ditch. The engine runs fine. The tranny shifts fine. I can drive the car forward and backwards. But the front wheels are pushed back into the fender. So the steering assembly, both drivers doors, front and rear bumper, and front fender are fubared. The FMIC is fine. The radiator is fine. The radiator support is fine. Dunno what's messed under the car but I imagine my suspension and all is messed up. We'll see. Taking it to the body shop for assessment. If they can fix the car good. If not, I'm done with fast cars....the wifey won't allow another one and frankly I'm tired of all the working on them.
good to hear you're ok man. it will be close. my damage looked really similar to that and it was basically totaled. my advice: if its close to threshold, go ahead and total it.
Damn heart sunk when I saw the pic SOrry bro...that truly does suck! Well, at least you got a few 10 secod passes out of her.
I'm alive and that's what matters. Bruised and sore but I'm good. I wonder if they do total it, what the buy back will be. I have a lot of money in that car that I would love to see make it out and into another Subie.
Truth be told he was day dreaming about that Cougar dressed in green and how it would be fun to take her for a spin, then his wife called.