I've already PM'd him. But wifey is very against it I dunno if I want to put in the hours for the swap.....Doug said it's 75-100 hrs worth of work.
This is sad man..sorry to hear about your loss. This is my first time seeing this post. I apologize for my lateness
You have a stock motor too? If you do and can spare a 5 sp and motor I'll refund you the money ASAP once I sell things.
The 5 speed has a diff whine but I'm sure that happened in the accident. I also have the parts to slap together something that would resemble a motor
Hmmmm wonder if slapping something that 'resembles' a motor can be considered fraud? Also probably gonna matter too as they are documenting it as 'running'.
Them documenting it as "running", ain't worth your drive train, or the $ to return it back to stock, etc. I would weigh if the insurance claim is worth all the trouble. Just keep her for a minute and get a beater pick up, or whatever and then pick up the pieces and take it from there on your own. Fuck the insurance company! Shit your rates will stay lower that way.
I would cash out of pocket to fix it. Buy parts at deep discount, do some removal/teardown/prep yourself and have the body shop do what you cant do. As long as there is no structural damage, most of it is bolt on stuff. Paint work is all I see not being done yourself....unless you have those supplies. Milo's wreck took out the A/B/C pillar when it rested on some trees...that was his problem. Plus suspension damages. Looks like you just need a control arm+body parts.
We'll see what happens when they put it up on the racks. Body guy that does all the appraisal stuff said that he thinks the entire under side of the unibody is tweaked because BOTH of the front wheels are pushed back. We'll see. I'm hoping it's fixable and all but at the same time no biggy if it's not. Just a car.
could be. I've seen some super hard hits...and the frame/unibody was straight in regards to control arm bolt locations. The control arm was obviously a different story...:rofl:
Out of my hands though. I'm at the mercy of what the insurance says. I don't care. If they fix it I'm selling the car. I have already found my next car. Decided against a truck for a daily due to gas and a waste of road without steady hauling something. I have a beater hard body nissan to haul things with. Next car is 95% sure gonna be: E46 M3. Pimp, looks hot, and I won't be tempted to do anything with it. Done, done, and done.
:wiggle: On what the M3 or leaving it alone. The E46 M3 has always tickled me fancy. Especially the Phoenix yellow and the Leguna Seca Blue.
leaving it alone... have you ever driven one.. they aren't that fast. It will be a matter of time before you swapping on the euro headers, exh, airbox, and a 125hp shot of nawz
the problem with that is you will be lucky to get 13K, I personally would just part the thing out, every piece and be done with it. Should get around 8K or more just for the eng/tranny.
I dunno if I'd get that much for engine/tranny. If I part out, I was thinking the engine for $2000, rotated kit for $1500, tranny for $2500.
isn't that how you drive? It's how I drive... whatever you do don't let them total that car out with that eng and tranny, shit a weekends worth of work is an extra 5K minimum.
If they total the car I'll buy it back. And no I don't drive like that. I drove the Suby hard but I don't drive like an idiot....you proved that at Taco Mac in the parking deck when you almost hit those poor ladies.
me too, I went exactly where my eyes told me to go but was having problems with my vision that night. lol
SMG is faster than the manual. SMG has zero issues if you drive it like you got some sense. I'm not doing anything stupid in this car. This will be my daily.