HURRY!! Everyone voice your opinion about CoolRex's next car decision so he can defend it over and over and over and over and over!! You should make a new journal for the new car.
Jesus..He has made his decision and let him live with it. If he wanted your opinion on the car, he would have asked for it. I think everyone needs to take a trip down the Euro car market at least once.
What the fuck man??? I was just commenting on how everyone is second guessing you and how we should leave it alone. Quit getting your panties in a wad about everything I say. I'm not sure if you were trying to insult me because I'm in my twenties but you failed. Typical fucking wrxatlanta. Everyone thinks they are a big shot and hates on anyone that is not a part of their "cool guys" group. Excuse me for trying to voice my opinion on a damn FORUM. And of course no one here is going to try and say anything because most everyone is too chicken shit to speak out with different opinions from the few "cool guys" on here. This place has gone downhill so damn fast from what it was like 2 years ago.
True....but least I will be happy and will spend more time with the family instead of under the car. Like WJM is gone. Please close thread.