Installed (actually Ming) a few more parts that should have been put on a LONG time ago... First, I will start with the Hood Dampners. These things kick ass; I know a lot of you have them, but if you don't...GET A SET! Working under the hood has never been easier! The car should have come from the factory with these! Even if you have no idea what is going on under the hood, get some to show off your shit...the fuglistick just gets in the way. Next is the dead foot pedal...adds the perfect amount of bling for your feet in 15 seconds! Finally, Ming surprised me and installed a clutch stop. I was skeptical at first, but I knew that pEd raves about it. I have to say, this had to be designed with short ass people like me in mind. I no longer have to tip-toe the clutch to push it all the way down. 5 minutes driving and I forgot it was installed!
I think the shorter list now, is what you don't have. The cleanest wagon that I know just got a little cleaner.
Maybe some nice Berber carpet to replace that cheap a_s stock carpet. Looks like something sourced from G.M. Mine is completely trashed
:rofl: +1 for Ming and his stuff...I'm running his hood dampers now, and I'll have his AOS and CCV installed next week. He's even bringing them out to the shop to help make sure the install goes notch guy. That clutch delete looks nice...I may have to look into one of those as well. I'll have pictures and everything else up once it's in. Wagunz looking good, Matt :wiggle:
Moving on from the choice of Shag over Berber let alone color, had to follow your lead and get the same parts as you. Well worth the money, and would have paid more.
Can anyone explain to me why Ming is not a vendor? He has sold so many parts to members on this board, yet refuses to become a vendor.
Because he doesn't think it is beneficial and worth the money because he is a small time one man show. Yet he's a vendor on several other sites.
im considered a vendor in a few sites very limited (3 to be exact) Im invited and in turn i give all my prototypes for testing i provide them first available production parts at less then available prices. They get products not yet available to anyone at greatly reduced prices. Members on all those boards appreciates that and look forward to more products from me. Currently Im ahead of schedule and expanding to my other hobbies - I am still on target for 10 new products for 2009
Not to throw this thread off course, but how come we are paying to advertise in and sponsor this community and you are not? That is not fair to any of the vendors, myself included. What makes your products or your company "exempt" from supporting our local community that puts money in your pocket.
simple solution From now on please purchase all ixizconcept components/systems from your vendor Your local Vendor is Zen Motorsports Here is your contact Tray McConchie Sales Manager Zen Motors LLC Local Phone: 678-584-5404 Toll Free Phone: 1-(888)-ZEN-MOTO E-Mail:
Man I busted my butt to get it working and to get a diagram for you and you've yet to get it done? :unamused:
Don't be took you ten minutes once you sat down and worked on it. Other projects have taken priority.
Did a couple more things recently; installed a Mishimoto... Color matched my headlights (yes, Java Black Pearl)...looks much better in person.
Wirelessly posted (From Your Mom's House) She's not for sale...besides, that would mean you have to drive back down here and I don't see that happenening anytime soon.
Hmmmm motor swap is going on now....matter of fact the 2.0L is coming out tonight! So what does that mean???? I gotta get tuned soon
so...that means you will be down really soon. When? I'm sure you will use part of the drive as a break in.
Good old wa"gon" INDEED!!! I didnt really fall in love with mine when i was about to buy a car, but but i wanted to down grade to a 4 cyl turbo, when gass was so high, but also have something i could build on. really wanted the sedan, but out of the price range. i bought it and fell in love. i see so many sedans running around i truly like the wagons looks better now. plus, its practical for my lifestyle, dont get half the wrong attention(police) in my little grocery getter, and people are suprised how a little 4 cyl wagon will just pull on the from a stop or a roll!!
Picked up some JPM Coachwork's HOTNESS Yesterday!!!! I can just see this Alacantara stuff becoming an addiction. Thanks Alex and Joe! :bigthumb: Now that the wagon is in "maintenance mode", I can start working on the interior.