I'll be there pretty early in my Miata, my Subaru is at AllPro for some track prep before Barber next month. See you in the am.
lol see, I told you guys. I got there around 7:45 with no trouble parking. I missed seeing people (since I'd only recognize a couple of you), but sleeping in was great.
Yep, I got there at 8:30, parked about 2 min from all the scoobs. It was pretty busy, I am interested in seeing where C&O is going, I think this is the best location yet.
agreed, was great to take a break from work and hang out. Definitely also agree we can probably meet up a little later
I agree...What a great show. Who was the white GR Hatch with Dark Wheels? It looked very similar to Alex Valdez's Car.
No...Dana and I were trying to figure out what the name of the new guy(at least to us) that we were talking to with a white hatch that looks like yours.
We're getting ready now, but the rain chances don't look great for the turnout. Wife wants to see the Christmas Vacation RV.
Me too! I hit it at the beginning of February, but I'm still ready to start our at least once monthly mountain runs back up again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Because of Easter Sunday falling on the 1st Sunday, this month's has been moved to this Sunday. Anybody going? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So correct any of this if it's incorrect: 1. Location is now Perimeter mall? 2. There is no entry fee as always? (Everything about sunny is a joke, it's implied.) 3. We still all park together as before? I'll need to know where. 4. We still try to get there at 6:30? I may try to come depending on the answers to these questions. My car is still clean providing it doesn't rain. I had a lot of fun seeing everyone at the dinner meet this tuesday, and was very encouraged by everyone's kind words, got me kinda pumped to go to meets again. If anyone wants to do a ride-in with me for my firstie at the new location that would be awesome.
let everyone know where you will be parking. I went last month and the Subarus were scattered all around. Lets all park in the same area
Just a reminder for those of you NEW to the group and those who are not on FB. We will be meeting up at the Best Buy across from perimeter mall Sunday March 6th starting at 6am and plan to leave at 6:30am, so we can drive over as a group. For all the NEW members this is a great monthly meet to introduce yourself and see some really awesome cars! Hope to see a lot of NEW faces on Sunday!
Hey guys, new member here. I'm building a Factory Five 818 using a 2007 WRX drivetrain and am about 80% finished. It's running and driving but have not yet begun mounting the body or installing the interior (beyond the seats and hand controls). It's in a good spot for people to see all the stuff that would be normally hidden by the body so I'm thinking about trailering it down to C&O this weekend.... would love to park up with the Subie community and talk shop. Is there a specific place in the parking lot where you folks like to gather? If you aren't familiar with the 818: http://www.factoryfive.com/kits/project-818/
https://m.facebook.com/groups/161951077337975?view=permalink&id=457833201083093 Someone set up to meet at the bestbuy next to the mall at 6 and then head over at 6:30 so people can park together.
Unfortunately I will miss seeing your 818 as I'll be at the airport. I hope to see it in the future though!
Truly an amazing piece of machinery! We will be meeting at the best Buy across from Perimeter mall at 6:00am and plan to leave at 6:30am to drive across the street to the event. It will be amazing weather and parking will be very tight once 7am comes around.
Thanks guys. I will have the car on a flatbed car hauler being towed by a uhaul pickup. I'll see you at Best Buy at around 6am.
Well it's that time of the month again, With C&O only 5 days away!!! For those new faces and the the ones that are not on FB. We will be meeting at the Best Buy across from Perimeter Mall at 6am and plan to leave together as a group at 6:20ish. I hate repeating myself; but every month this event gets bigger and bigger, which is great! However, this is really early for some and if you want to park with the Club I would strongly suggest that you arrive no later than 7 as the parking lot and spots fill up really fast now!
Thanks for the reminder. I may sit this one out and use the time to focus on getting my car together so I can bring it again, completed this time. The weather looks great - similar to last month but may be a little warmer. Hope everyone has a good time. I'm inching closer: