make it steam powered
old school next generation star trek reference
[img] can't stop laughing
was actually at clermont the other night with one of the owners, hah
I will be there after my kart race. Good friends with the owner and his son - good peoples
SIR. I'm 39 minutes late. fuck.
are you FPV flying? I'm thinking about picking up a controller and practicing on my computer
too soon?
work is so close to mcmaster they just deliver it themselves. it's pretty much the greatest thing ever.
only the sexy ones.
third race at AMP will be this saturday. might rain.. so off to mount some rain tires. this will be interesting currently have podiums in the...
karts hold their value pretty well, so you could always sell it if you didn't like it. I will tell you, a TaG kart is a HANDFUL to control at...
I can't roll my eyes hard enough at you right now.
gotta twerk
damn. would love to go stretch the legs on the .270
I've had terrible luck with samsung phones. my nexus S had an internal problem where the flash memory wouldn't mount. my galaxy nexus has the...
I love MXC.
kart race at AMP
Separate names with a comma.