i went to see the atl rollergirls last night for the first time. it was kind of cool and a little cheesy at the same time. a very mixed crowd....
it's a crapload of work to graft sedan 1/4 panels onto a wagon. time+money= headache! i'd love to to it but don't have the forementioned.
Perrin up and down pipes, Blitz Nur- spec R catback, and i love it!
once again the black knights are back on top!!!!!
more than likely it was me. i got a job selling health and insurance in marietta.
come one people! no one has got anything for me??? this really sucks!
hook a brother up! any info would help.
well i guess it didn't work out too well for me at ACC so now i'm out of a job and the bills are coming in. if anyone knows of any place hiring, i...
downloading now...
date/ time... & i'm in!
i think that everybody needs to chill the f*@k out! way too freaked about this whole conversation. btw, nice numbers scott. can't wait to get...
very nice milo. i'm very jealous. can't wait to get all my toys and intall..... soon, very soon.
welcome back buddy. did you get my text about fri?
damn it. i can't believe i missed the show again! i would have totally gone!
ice man ftw!
i'd love to go but don't think the wife would be up for it. oh well
i liked the start but then it kind of trailed off at the end. i laughed at everyone though. i think it's stupid that people are trying to sue him...
just had to do it since my Chargers are first in the AFC for once in my life! yeah well my Raiders almost beat your Chargers but for that...
sweet as always dj monk!
i think that ball just tried to be a mike vick and win it all by him self. he should have passed down field more. what-u-gonna-do?
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