i know we're getting off topic, but i thought gas prices of today are a prediction based off the current barrel cost of drilled crude. We have no...
question from the ignorant political follower here... but how much of this is actually Obama's fault? I don't know much about this topic, nor do...
are the newer turbos oil cooled / lubricated? Keep in mind OP that when you lose oil pressure, you may sacrifice more than the engine. I had to...
every time you drive your car you'll discover a new noise, smell or rattle. it's what makes a subaru a subaru
wow the gun nuts are out in force. I drove by adventure outdoors and there wasn't a single parking space open. You think they were either about...
all i picture there is the pistol from Roger Rabbit [IMG]
same signals we were getting, especially at low speed. when we had the tensioner replaced, it helped fix a lot of it, though.
if this is happening, the DEFINITELY park it. PS fluid is some flammable shit, we don't wnat to see a car-b-q on the side of the road.
not sure, i thought it was the power steering pump, as she was having issues w/ that at the same time. I would've never guessed it was the...
Kakies car was making a sound similar to this, one of the SoK techs heard her driving out and stopped her immediately. The tensioner was going...
what type of tint did they use? I've seen metallics go for that rate all over the place, i just wanted somethign w/ UV protection. That's a...
that's an awesome price. I had my STi done at a local meet for $175 (ceramic, very well done). Since then, I can't find a place that will touch...
while yeah, i can see how some would like the look, i've never for the life of me figured out why people would want to diminish the signals given...
:rofl: I wonder who all will get this one http://i.imgur.com/rt5V0.jpg edit - linked for picture size
yeah, but that's not something that can be voted on. If it were somehow possible, do you think these worthless 'parents' would ever vote on...
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