Oh, he got you with that one too? :rofl: :rofl:
I've fixed a few subaru wiki entries as well as some F-14 info. I would like to stay on top of it, but everyone who has internet access has the...
check for exhaust leaks and timing tensioner? because a forged assembly or 2.5 will not fix either one of those.
^awesome deal.
It will need a timing belt soon, might want to take it to "up dog" to have it checked out before you buy it. PM him.
No. The EJ257 is only in the STi. Everything else is designated EJ255.
Oh I forgot about that.
The 05+ is immobilized...better theft deterrent.
Similar. Cams are all the same (minus the "lightweight" update, same as the STi), heads in 2006 changed to the same as the WRX with the air pump...
I didnt mention it being an issue on the EJ205 as I've only seen one case of it in person and heard of only two, now three, cases in addition to...
I guess so. SOA does weird shit when they figure out what cars they want to import from FHI.
I turned all my email notifications off.
Can go either way. My cam/crank seals are original at 283k miles and not leaking. However, last week I had an outback come in with 66k on it and...
2009+ do not have MT available for the XT models. :(
I am very pleased with what SUBARU did with the 2009+ Forester. Thus far the only issues have been a few rattles here and there that were easily...
ebay rotors and a rebuild kit will do you fine.
We have not seen this in a while: [IMG]
I heard these EXACT same rumors from a few other corners...all of those sources indicated "SS told me...." "SS informed me..." "Guess what SS says...
Dont forget me.
That actually is funny. :rofl: Now answer the PM damnit.
Separate names with a comma.