I wouldn't trust anything Korean made....that's just me. Nissan ftw.
Don't do it!
Does the Soul have more space?
Oh jeez such beauty.
Dude you are a big balla.....Tesla. #enddiscussion.
I have a friend with a stroked 2.1....nothing fancy. Hard to beat OEM in terms of reliability.
ever get the looping video figured out?
So much freaking FUN.
Brakes for street use Hawk HPS. Tires I'd go with the Michelins but you already stated the $$$ factor.....I don't have experience with any of the...
I love your setup. I'd be interested in the leakdown/compression test numbers on your motor.....wait a min isn't the version 8 hypereutectic...
Wow you broke the PPG with less than 400hp/tq?
There is no one better than Douglas.....go see him at that killer price and do the dougie.
Anyone know how reliable and decent the 2008+ Tribeca's are?
I love heartbreak dynos. *How much power does your car make? *Only made xxx hp? *Pssht wanna race? *Sure.....proceed to destroy wannabe number...
So are you going to have 4 cams? Not worried about the rear and/or sides?
Why are you running home electrical wiring in an automobile? You can't beat knukoncepts stuff. It's really good wiring.
Trancetto congrats on the addition! I myself am expect our second in a few months. Sorry for getting off topic.....just like seeing folks be...
Dude I commend you on your life decisions....keep it up! And integroid knows the APR guys really well...maybe he can help you out?
e85 is a no no on a daily driver in my honest opinion. Get a custom pro tune for 91 octane.
booty call.....
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