I'm went from this tranny(Stock RS): 1st - 3.545 2nd - 2.111 3rd - 1.448 4th - 1.088 5th - 0.780 Final Drive: 4.111 To this(RS case with sti RA...
Any clues on where? Or anyone have places that they go to?
Last night's storm blew my graphics card out. When I came home it no longer displayed tv-out, my primary monitor displayed everything in green,...
http://www.allthehitsq100.com/events/DitchDay07/ Who's going? FREE SIX FLAGS!! Me and the lil bro will be there. Figured all those who are on...
Few months ago I had my car broken into, but they were nice enough to unplug the harnesses. In place I put my stock headunit back. So now I have a...
Just like to say that i just passed emissions with my idle sensor, speed sensor, and o2 sensor completely bjorked. The check engine light was...
When installing a new LSD in the front is there anything to replace, like the bearings? My friend told me on some cars you have to press in...
http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1175140 Everyone said that front tower bars don't work because they're so close to the...
http://www.rs25.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1000742#post1000742 Appears shot peening things is a lot cheaper than I expected. ABout 150 for all...
Anyone still have games for this? Or better yet know a good source where I can download some games? I'm using torrent and it sucks cause there's...
Does the For sale forum only show up if you have atleast 25 posts? If so, we may want to put a huge disclaimer somewhere when people register...
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-274981837129821058&hl=en It's amazing that coke and mentos sponsored them.
http://www.imprezasport.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=12268&st=0&gopid=131680&#entry131680 Powered by Cosworth
http://forums.importatlanta.com/showthread.php?t=87406 Vultures....ATTACK!! hehe
Meet up for some drinks and paint the town red afterwards? I was thinking some place in midtown for food and drinks.
Yellow wrx had a perrin exhaust (or some other single tip exhaust) and turned left onto collier Silver wrx was stock from what i could tell
Yep. That is all.
Separate names with a comma.