Every set of RPF1s I've owned have bent or warped..... that's three sets! Meanwhile the used 16x7.5 SSRs on my Civic that have been used as much...
That's the deal breaker for me .... They couldn't get some volks or CCWs or something for $150k?
I thought the silly e-diff was welded into the 6mt 135i...
No lsd... what's the purpose of giving a car more power if there is no 'real' LSD in the car to put it down. The also has no negative camber...
Snow 0; STi 1 http://www.autoblog.com/2009/12/20/behold-the-power-of-subaru-wrx-sti-tows-semi-out-of-snow/
Happy Bday Princess Brent (aka Mr. Lebowski's assistant).
Scott is most likely knocked out....
Clay, wanna go back to e-thuggin' ?
I had mine taken out four years ago... they don't let you keep it (I asked). They do a biopsy on it afterwards to make sure nothing funky is going...
Ok let me put it to you this way... Say I'm interested in W2W Rally racing... how am I suppose to get a racing License? Do I get a NASA or SCCA...
Isn't kinda premature to post anything until you get a sanctioning body? I mean the sanction body is gonig to determine rules, course layout,...
Who is going to Sancation this????
Uhhh no... Grassroots Motorsports is not a publication of SCCA, Sports Car is the offical publication of the SCCA. I don't think an SCCA magazine...
PLease do not post misinformation... Atlanta Region program does 4 runs with the option to by 4 in the afternoon. I would suggest looking...
doug i hate you... and by hate i mean insanely jealous beyond belief
happy birthday wrxatlanta...
Solstice GXP
We have had good use with the RE-11s however it's been on a 2000 lb civic that is only used at autoxes. We started at 4/32 and got about 250 autox...
Actually I think it would be cooler if the throw-down was determined by taking turns in a rental Kia instead...
You forgot about Mercedes in AL, Nissan in TN, Toyota in KY, Kia in south GA and VW has announced a they will be building a new plant in...
Separate names with a comma.