Does the car make the same popping sound if from stop you turn the wheel all the way to one side and then go slow? Like what you would do pulling...
How could that possibly be work safe :rofl:
fixed it for you. Something to be said for knowing the complete history on a Subaru.
this is why I am trying to sell my car with everything but the engine
bump so this can move on to a new page and I won't have to see this picture again.
how much is it all costing
3700 Gets everything you need. Transmission Shift Linkages Driveshaft Act clutch with both a 6 puck and full face organinc disk DCCD...
buy my 6mt and never worry again.
You want to be fat and bald like me? I think you need to set your sights higher. :rofl:
I broke 2nd gear on my ppg's on my way home from working late and had to be at work early the next day. Pulled in the garage at 11pm and was...
5mt = easy. Just drop the tranny. If it is a 6mt take it to one of the local subaru shops. 400 is a reasonable price to not be killed by...
I just buckle my seatbelt. No dinging and I get the added pleasure of being safe.
My guess is a friend put it on the passenger side so he would ride around looking like a tard and not even know it. He's probably been...
I have some timing cover bits if the ones you have wont work.
If you know its your dvd drive why not just repair it yourself?...
That was the only 4032 engine I had fail. If I had to do it again I would go with the 4032's and keep it around 425 whp. That is more than...
That motor would have lasted a lot longer had I not been running a 50-50 nitro-meth mix. ;)
If it doesn't have a turbo and/or awd then it has nothing that makes a Subaru fun to drive.
I never use a debit card for that reason. Entering a pin in any machine concerns me.
I love auto-x but the Atlanta events are too crowded. You spend too much time standing around and too little time driving.
Separate names with a comma.