Happy birthday DREW!
Yeah probably. And unfortunately, if that were the case, it would not have been the first time that they fucked us over.
I'll be looking into getting renter's insurance with Nationwide, since that's who we have our auto insurance with. Hopefully it won't be too...
Self defense in general amongst if anybody tries to break in when we're sleeping or something. If they think they know our house schedule, I'm...
Yeah these fuckers think they're coming back. When my mom and sister came back from Alabama, my mom found that a set of turn keys were also...
Unfortunately, we don't have home owner's insurance. Or rather, my mom's aunt does not have home owner's insurance. Technically, we're renters of...
Some people told me that there are services that don't use landlines. We don't have an actual phone that we use, though we do have a fax. I'll...
I have been meaning to get a firearm. The wheels that are just sitting in my dining room will probably be what funds it. And the sign displaying...
Thanks a lot guys for the concerns. The office that came by actually mentioned about items being pawned and the like. He said that the pawning...
Also, does anybody recommend any home security services? The only people that come to mind is ADT. We've lived in this neighborhood for 11 years....
Hey guys. Some of you may not care but today, some little fuckers broke into my house and stole a few things. Items stolen: Sony Playstation3...
They sure parked like an asshole.
Oh yeah. Those pro cameras will definitely make you want them. Lol I used to have a 40D until I sold it. Planning on getting maybe a 5dMk2. MAYBE.
It was a Jalopnik article. The person that owned that plate had it taken by the DMV due to numerous complaints.
Which camera do you shoot with?
Happy birthday nicAD
Disinterest I believe. Apparently, a fair amount of people came out regularly but the numbers started to dwindle as it kept going. It probably got...
No he's not. :wiggle: Welcome to the boards!
Oh what the fuck who told you.
Separate names with a comma.