no lasers! its tititititititiititittiititititititititi-Click-Click- tititititititititititititi
yeah.. but this is more what i wanted/ needed as i was not a big fan of the "panda face" anyways and i got a 99 2.5rs as a dd that John at SoG is...
heh thanks. i only mentioned it because ive already be stopped about the exhaust and a few other things
Thanks!!! only downside is it draws attention from teh men in uniform even when obeying the law :squint:
was browsing the S0G site and saw that gary traded it in so I HAD to have it... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] allegedly this thing was the...
SiG 556 is known to be a more reliable firearm. really its going to boil down to frequency of use, and purpose
ok and this is at your location near NAS correct?
will do ! can you say a price for everyones reference?
Nice..and tempting....good to know :)
Now that i have something in the driveway thats meth tuned. i figured it would be a good idea to start a thread that consists of: The cheapest...
i went out drinking with chris before his birthday and he touched me here **points to the spot on the doll* have a good one man!
ik will still be around but shes had it and who can blame her
good point....
F***** and i am sure since its a MGS game if you dont watch it your freaking lost as hell in the plot
i think the biggest issue with the 08 debate is how people form there opinions. now this is just a observation not fact so dont jump my shit! :P (...
well cdma is normally better for rural areas than gsm due to frequency and range (Gsm only transmits 7-8 miles were cdma is typically 11-12 for...
good point. i was really just saying "this could be a fun car" or just do what the rest of us do, spend 25-30k on a my04-07 and money into mods. i...
i have to many of these but i couldn't resist.. I really just think a era has ended.. 40k could buy you alot quicker and or more fun cars than a...
[IMG] i am told by a few of the mechanics at SoG that the 08 is inferior in multiple ways (again they're opinion but they haven't steered me...
Separate names with a comma.