Thanks again for the great input everyone! Now i just need to figure out what to do with the transmission
elaborate please? Thanks again everyone for awesome contributions. this is why i love wrxatlanta
wow decent price too. what supporting mods are recommended?
O.o Links? anyone have one and can vouch for them?
i want to do something with the EJ20. STI would be cool too but i dont wanna drop that much money as i hear the STI trans and full dccd swap is...
The turbos love it. the rotary guys i feel sorry for though. as i know how fickle a wankel is until it reaches operational temp. Heat excites...
Thanks for all the help folks! I did notice that getting to the plugs is a little O.O but oh well. yeah the toyos being going for a set of...
Exactly. it isn't a 4g63 car. so you cannot treat it like the older evos or dsm's were your main concerns were fuel pump and injector cycle duty %...
Well a cobb Ap is in the works sooo....*plots**
Cant run....tied down..she broke my kneecaps :crying: Crawls to phone desperately trying to call 911
Ok so i am sitting at 61,xxx Time to mod, But its also time for some new plugs etc etc so its a 2-for question. What Plugs are the best for the...
+1 On that. Keep it positive and friendly! Like mom says. If you cant say anything nice.... That engine has alot of potential. Scott Siegel...
SoG may have a high labor cost versus the next guy but i tell you what, they installed a defective belt and it broke (was dry rotted from sitting...
Rated OMGWTFBBQ (Really bad!)
On Air! And Drinking:cool::beer::slap::nuts:
but but but :weaksauce:ky::3mol:
this one: [IMG]
Basically. its a meaner DSM! (diamond star motors, ala eclipse GSX, talon TSI, Laser RS)
[IMG] The "defender FTW!" i use to watch that show anyways.. looks like i found the next car i am buying >.> Hopefully its not too detuned.
will be spinning a new years eve party requiring all Dj's to be drunk! should prove interesting. :keke: :beer: Winamp...
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