My mom cleaned my room for xmas.
Ya there was one of these on Top Gear were a guy in a wing suit raced a Porsche Cheyenne S on a dirt road. Was pretty sick.
the worksafe skin cracks me up. hahaha prnt scrn on word haahaha pro.
Should have just got a WRX.
10. They can’t wear their helmets sideways. WINNAR
Linkin Park's songs are like that as well. Its a common song platform.
Why isnt it called batman?
Best of luck man, and happy holidays.
Robert i need to take the legacy out for a spin.
I didnt want to buy the radio brackets so i just made my own. Sux to hear your car was broken into, how long was it sitting there?
Sup dude, you parked next to me at kroger. Welcome to the boards.
Get a tbe, and flash stage 2 :)
Haha, nice EVO man.
<-- Buying a miata. Who wants to buy my car. 04 AW wrx 63000 miles. 17k
get the swap dooooo itttt.
GO ALEX, weres my licence plate thingy.
Separate names with a comma.