looks good. i always get cut when i work on a suby. they're just cursed.
would the unmetered air thing work in reverce. like if i had a hole in the intake after the maf and took care of it could it be cuase me problems...
filter is brand new. yes it runs off the stock ecu. i limped it home instead of towing it and it drove fine a lil rough at idle. but it drives and...
mmm that looks good. love the curry! me and a bunch of friends have a "jerk off" every year to decide who makes the best beef/deer jerky.
well i unplugged the utec and plugged it back in still no start. plugged in stock ecu car starts. plugged utec back in no start. im going to put...
gonna try that king. thanks for the look out.
wow the way this was playing out i just thought it was another one of your elaborate april fools jokes. sorry to hear about your troubles. if i...
pretty stressed. i guess im gonna get it towed back to my house so i can prob around a lil see whats going on. ill be back with an update MaƱana.
well took it to a shop and they think something is fucked with my utec. so i guess i need a new ecu. man is this turning into a nightmare. if i...
i was even stepping on the brakes for good measure. you mean im not supposed to have all that stuff running? :fawk:
no cels. the only thing after market electronics is alarm. the only thing drawing is me trying to start this pos car. im gonna try to push start...
new air filter, put the bov that came with car back on cause the one i had wasn't closing properly and replaced the elbow that goes between the...
ok but the car wont start. ive tried extensively. to the point of running the new batt low and needing to be jumped and that still didn't work. i...
ok next question. the wrx alt is 75amp and the sti is 90. will the sti alt directly bolt up to my bugeye or should i not worry about the extra 15...
i dont think its the starter cause it has no problems turning over. and the starter wouldn't have caused the car to die like it did. im almost...
so last night i was driving home and the car slowly just died on me. it was late so i decided to leave it there until this morning. well this...
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