Facebook- DELETED over a year ago Twitter- inactive, never used Google +/Wave - never activated it Klout - "0" klout Youtube- deactivated, used 1...
Saw a couple of nice scooby's there 1) black STI (i assume) w/ Pink wheels 2) Grey wagon w/ graphite wheels I was there for the Morning...
for the record, saw the Rainway truck yesterday in my neighborhood. I thought about calling them Joe
it's coming. it's the whole reason they're doing it so they can recoup the loss of tax on private sales. Joe
i replied to this thread.. i guess it didn't take we tried to make one 2 years ago. my father in law had this crazy concept the he could...
+2... Rossi...THe DOct0r i also miss the 2 strokes 500cc bikes...those things were nuts joe
they haven't everyone pays Title Tax now Joe
i had the same code on the my '04 Forester XT about 8 or 9 months ago. found out it was the 'AVCS Banjo Bolt filters" that caused my issue. I...
Agree. You will not see my weapon as it will not present itself unless I plan to use it. If I plan to use it, then and only then will you know I...
<--carry with one in the chamber. why carry if it's not loaded? what use is it in an emergency situation? my only safety is my respect for a...
sounds like the clutch is going out EVERY TIME the solenoid engages the clutch. High pitched squeal, metal on metal sound. Almost the sound of...
+11ty billion on this one Joe
Reserved for pics: 1) Forester 2) '06 JCW Mini Cooper S (wife) 3) 1969 Fairlane 500 Sedan Joe
sounds like clutch is going out on this beast...rolled over 100K miles this past weekend. easier to replace the clutch or just replace the...
2.5L only wished the wagons were 2.5L joe
forester as the DD Wife has a JCW '06 Mini Cooper S parked in the garage: '69 Fairlane 500 Sedan Joe
you gots PM Joe
man this thing looks good! Joe
until you have only one payment each month (Mortgage) you will never truly understand the "Freedom" that comes with it. Again, I'm all about...
Old Dude chiming in.... things I've learned over the years: * Don't live beyond your means. Live a conservative life. You have more confidence...
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