So Ashley woke me this morning with "I don't think you're going to work today." YAY!!!!! We went to the doctor this morning who said that we...
Pretty much used to drop a map and in a glove box for a month or so. Customer is going for 600+whp and going to the AEM EMS. We'll still give...
Okay, After using Doug's touchscreen Toughbook CF-29 I think I really want a touchscreen to help me tune faster (good for customers) and get...
The Beauty of Data Acq. Cliff Notes: Data Acq is amazing for showing where you are leaving lap-time on the table. Traqmate is easy to use....
It's almost certainly on for Friday February 20th. We'll do a combined SR Driver Education Clinic and SR Open Track Day: The SRDEC is the...
I've heard a rumor that some people might have had questions about their cars/tunes and for whatever reason haven't called me to chat about it....
We're having a programming problem. Anybody know how you can have a pointer to an array that has a pointer in it? Siegel
Probable SR Driver Education Clinic Tuesday February 24th Hey all, *PROBABLE* Next SRDEC is Tuesday February 24th. Standard deal, 6 students, 3...
That’s right folks, with a little equipment we can now LIVE Remote Tune your car anywhere in the world. We’ve always received calls from people...
I know we have some seriously tech-savvy guys on here. We are wanting to be able to "remote-tune" cars world-wide. I've been using
Dog's LOSE :D Siegel
That's right boys and girls. '08 STi. DP. AP. 100 octane THAT'S IT! 423wft-lbs, 342 whp. Thank you very much. Doug made a race gas map for his...
Well, my RST is almost complete, and it appears that I need a single-din radio. If I can find one at a reasonable price (under $300) I would LOVE...
I just found out today that T-Mobile was not sending me my text messages from 10/18 until this evening 10/22. So if you have texted me anything...
We've got a D300 that we bought in February. It's got 4208 shutter count and comes with the Nikon DX AFS Nikkor 18-200mm 1:35-56 GED lens, spare...
I just wanted to say how much I love this place. Seriously. The thread about the TMIC's was actually a good example of an enjoyable, energetic,...
Next Siegel Racing Open Track Day is ON for Tuesday October 21st This will be the debut of "Lucy 2" a customer's car that nearly replicates our...
I need to start by thanking Yokohama and Gran Turismo East for making it possible for me to get those wonderful Neovas on less than 24 hours...
Hey All, Just thought I'd let people know that I'll be tuning JDM STi's in Jamaica from tomorrow morning until Sunday night June 28th. It's...
Yo, check us out, we wanted something that would make us FEEL something: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Thank you Monk, amazing work as always. Siegel
Separate names with a comma.