Awesome game so far.... Up to level 8. Graphics are pretty sweet. Went straight to multiplayer, gonna play the campaign tomorrow. No party chat in...
Anyone play this yet? I'm downloading now.. probably wont play it till tomorrow though. The demo actually releases in a few days but you can get...
Sorry for the link to the link.... Pretty sweet video of a vette vs. STI going at it on the track. They actually end up trading paint a few times....
Haven't seen this yet (don't think it officially releases till Friday).... But it looks awesome. Watched clips about it where they show people...
This CD is awesome.... I can't give it a full review because I have only listened 1/2 way thru, and I can't stop replaying the 1st few tracks....
Went in a little skeptic... Hoping all the funny parts weren't shown in the previews... Well, all doubts were quickly dashed. This movie rocks...
So.... my girlfriend got pulled over for a rolling stop thru a stop sign in my apartment complex (thought it was private property.. guess not)....
I know 99% of you guys probably could care less.. But my 0-19 Lions just won.... I'm so relieved right now.... It feels like Christmas!
Wow, is this place awesome. Really wish I would have known about this place years ago. Everything, and I mean everything was awesome. The menu is...
Fucking loved this film.... Kind've biased I guess, I like Tarantino but.. This was a great movie. I don't think a film has ever been done that...
Ok guys, your local AV retard is back.. I just made the switch from PS3 to Xbox, and I'm having some trouble with the set-up. The trouble I'm...
Ok... this is just fucking cool... Admittedly, how this works is over my head. Clutchless really fast shifting, looks like fun....
Funny thread I found on IWSTI... Well, funny enough to kill some time on while bored at work :) It would take some stones to actually try this......
Really can't say whether I like or dislike this film. It had a lot of good aspects and a lot of bad. I have not read the comic, but have read from...
Flashed lights at each other, you going east, me west.... Maybe not CGM, don't know my codes to well.. black rims.. I was in a WRB 06 STI..
10 minutes of nail biting racing goodness... Enjoy!...
Funny story... Worth reading the 1st few pages... after that its pretty much just 30+ pages of ripping on the guy. At first it seemed like the...
Well, Happy Birthday to me... it was that magical time of year where I have to pay $320+ for my tag :( I was nervous because I've heard from 2...
Hey guys, Purchased a new PC recently and have been reading up on the benefits/dangers of overclocking your CPU. My current setup is:...
Found this on another forum and thought I'd share: My wife and I were watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while we were in bed. I turned to...
Separate names with a comma.