burning one down will kill it right away
vTakkkkkk > all
welcome back bro!
!yadhtrib yppah!
tuo ti ekam ot elba eb dluosh I
hey john, i saw justin workin on ur car and it looks really good with the tint on man!
ill be around
alex is stikings to the rearrr, wbahahhahw powendddddddd
after much time, research, and careful observing i have figured out why steve is such a problem/general pain in the ass to deal with, and why...
my old black one before it got the child eating scoop [IMG]
yup, thats what i thought. internet interest on import atlanta....hahaha, you could make a post sellin dog food and you would get 10 replies in...
yea, i thought 9k was really reasonable so that was my first offer, but he was like no thats a little too low, so i came back with 10k and he...
i may pick up the 16's if you still have them next week
this is correct, neither one of us ended up gettin the car, the guy ended up wanting a bit too much for it, i imagine he will be holding onto the car
So today is my 20th birthday and i was just thinking how its really nothing special other than im no longer a "teen" and kind stinks bc i still...
ive got some big trucks im down to trail ride in
can u get me a ford 302 and a tranny?
interesting, i didnt know they had this, i have to take one in the next few days to get a ticket dropped
yea, matt picked up the car, it was not totalled by insurance, but would need tonnns of work, its pretty much just good for the driveline and...
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