the best vendor at my wedding was our photographer Alan Friedman, he did amazing work. We had to use the venue's catering and our DJ was ok.
Allows you to play game images burned onto dual layer DVDs. i.e. if you want to backup your discs in case you scratch them or for other reasons.
You do not need the firmware, but i would need to format your harddrive with some special programs through my SATA card to get it to work. I can...
Great idea!
Hack the Xbox live servers?? i dunno, lol, because there is no known way to touch the xbox motherboard firmware that has your banned key. Buy a...
No it will not let you back on live, nor will it do anything if your console is already flagged for ban and just waiting for the next ban wave to...
I am pleased to offer reflashing services for xbox360 consoles of the new iExtreme Lite Touch(LT) firmware. I am offering this service at my...
I went for a fraternity trip a ways back, we stayed in key largo as it was cheap and had a few restaurants, then did all our activities in...
Hm, i guess just a few more people got lucky than with the 1.6 or they're flagged and waiting to be banned anyway. Guess have to wait for the LT...
Was this during this new wave of bans or a previous one. Did any of your backups turn out to be not verified stealth?
Ok, word on the forums and what seems like the best theory about the bans is this. When iExtreme 1.4 was updated to 1.6, a "stealth check" was...
Anyone on x360 multiplayer? So far my xbox friends from here don't have the game yet : ( tag: DSPNick
Ya, i can flash you to iextreme1.6, but you should definatly check every copy with ABGX to make for damn sure it is stealthed.
I think i have some extra at my house. PM me
The x-clamp kit spring kit and heat gun should fix the solder balls on the traces between the CPU and GPU and have you going if you are without...
found this on today [IMG]
Cross creek golf course was like a lake, so i had to go 4 miles around peachtree creek to get to my house on the other side...wierd.
I went into a small company job <6 people as a software consultant. The boss micromanaged me so much. I attempted to correct him on how he...
wow, that video is great! I could go for a Halo live action movie. wish they followed through with that project
DSPNick Resident Evil 5 Gears of War Forza 3 when it comes out
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