Thanks for the input. According to the tech at my brother's dealership, I need a new master cylinder. After draining/flushing and replacing the...
I have a 2002 wrx with 155,000 (ish) miles. I had to rebuild the transmission about 80k miles ago after a long day of abuse at a drag strip...
I'm not sure how i feel about this. At first I was thinking yes, more options for schools, but I keep hearing negative things about it. Tell me,...
you said no cars, but how about motorcycles? here is me testing out mine on the bike....
get you a personal security system....
Don't people stand so close to the track on rally races?
I want to know what the ring nebula looks like in your 10 inch telescope. In the 8inch it's super faint (due to where I live) but you can barely...
Zhummel. It was only 60 dollars on telescopes dot com.
So since I missed out on a solar filter, I instead bought me a zoom eye piece. It has 4 zooms in one piece, just rotate it to zoom in / out. It...
are motorcycles allowed?
I'm going to try this out with my old telescope in my attic.
Is it possible to put a 2x barlow inside another 2x barlow?
I use this to find not light polluted areas.
Hey, are we still doing a g2g for the Venus transit? I'll bring beer!
Can I come over too? I'll even bring my scope so we can compare night time junk.
I can't find any solar filters that will ship soon. I'm looking for a 9.25" ID Orion Full Aperture Solar Filter.
Lets make a G2G bring our scopes and eyepieces.
What's this comet you speak of? I tried to research it but I can't find any info.
I have me an xt8. Love it. In my part of town the Orion nebula (M42) is amazing, but most of the other messier objects are just fuzzy gray blurs....
Go Preds, And Rangers, and Panthers!
Separate names with a comma.