^^^ sweet, can you point me in the right direction?
what do you think just the str8 axle back would cost me?
Thanks for the heads up, anymore details?
^^^the bike i am selling right now is a 125 mod, ive made it pretty damn fast, but when i kinda raced i had the suspention jetted for a 170lb...
damn thats a freakin mess! i snapped a chain (i know weird) on he face of a jump and that really sucked. I dont know im kinda out of the whole...
cant help, but your car is money man, nice job!
yeah i have been a 2-stroke head since i was like 8, i have a 125 mod that i can rebuild for like 200 bucks. im still considering a 450f but thats...
yeah im so in, whens the next one
it should be fine as long as it hanst been over exposed to light (in the roll)
^ i didnt know you DP was catted, get a catless DP! i want to hear that!
^^^dope hopefulley ill have my new bike by then, what did you think of the yz250f i was looking at them, oh and ill be at GSU next semester
check the evap hoses behind the atlernator, maybe one slipped of the nipple. have you tried to clear the code with a scanner and see if it comes...
yeah i can tell what headlights those are, MY DREAM HEADLIGHTS!!!!
sorry i didnt get back to your before the weekend, i was supposed to go get my bike from charlotte last friday but decided to sell it for a new...
welcome to the dark side
do you go to georgia southern?
hahahah, fine we will settle this at sundown lenox mall parking lot, and im bring hell with me!!!!!
^^^haha, alright.
you got a prob. with me or something pal?
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