oh and hey DONTCALLITAREX, i shoot a lot at lenox mall, i know some good spots.
hah yeah, ive been pacing around mad cause i love taking photos. i might show up and chill for a bit.
dammit id be so down for this but i left all my camera gear in charlotte.
nice HDR dude, i want a white wagon so bad, ef-silver
any plug and gap recommendations??? (vf34, 255 pump, utec base map, FMIC, pinks)
could not agree less. VW are solid as they come.
prefect color! black wheels red lip should set it off nicley.
the belt and the tension are look good.
Hey guys, i posted on here about belt noise earlier about a whine when my car was cold. Since dec. 20 ive done about 1600 miles worth of driving...
Welcome and congrats on a clean clean 05
^^^word, thanks scott!
what for the front then?
Hey guys Im trying to get a good sway set up here in the next couple of weeks. There are so many set ups im lost. My wagons a DD, but i still want...
^^^truth, im saving up for a 6 speed right now, in a way its kinda a blessing because now its forcing me to save for a 6 speed.
You will need to shoot off camera flashes to create the desired look. one can work but two is better, i may or my not have my flashes for friday.
a top of everything the my picture of the GTR is out of focus, i took about 100 that night and none of them cam out good.
yeah my white balance was off, but if we backed up against the wall there directly under the light the flare would be a lot less.
there is nothing more annoying then a person going around boast how bad smoking is for you. No shit its bad for you its right there on the box....
All my friends smoke too so its hard for me to even try to smoke less. If i had to quit smoking i would also have to quit drinking cause lets be...
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