I got my FXT aligned there last thurstday. They asked me what I wanted and I told them how I drove, my plans for the car, what kind of tire wear I...
Agreed. Some peeps are cool and can deal with what they've been given. :wiggle: Typically (I know Im stereotyping here) they can't and they...
Better yet, what kind of douche buys a 17 year old a car like that? You know what every kid I grew up with did to their first couple of cars?...
Dood, seriously. Unless you've been really, REALLY proactive and masked or cloned your IP address. IP address = ISP = you. Comments you make...
Just a random thought about the phrase "triple digits". This is how we often referred to our trucks (18 wheelers) that went over 99mph. I was...
Remember that if you're bringing "duty free" back with you to place it in your CHECKED LUGGAGE!!! You cannot bring liquids out of the "secure"...
Autobahn baby! 210kph (130 mph) and all legal! Its suprising what a V50 Volvo station wagon will do given a few miles of straight road!
Crazy small cars is almost all they have in Europe. Many of which make it onto the German autobahn. Spend a few days driving in Paris and you'd...
Wingsuit aka nylon crack. Very awsome, quite dangerous. Look for a video call Soulflyers (there are 2 now). Those vids have some of the sickest...
I think thats the price. I know the prices went up. Fuel prices are killing everyone. Especially an aircraft that burns about 50 gallons an hour....
Where I jump I believe it is now $169. If you want video/stills (I highly recommend it) it would be another 85 IIRC. Be careful about online and...
You've probably met me. I dunno. My wife, the redhead, works manifest some weekends, and Im a freeflyer. Everyone calls me, wait for it, Hippie....
Gear is expensive. You could probably be into everything for around 3k (older) or as much as 7k or 8k for all new. I have probably around 8k in my...
Skydive the Farm. I'm there almost everyweekend. A 10-way formation building over the DZ. Oh, and the only guy on the dive is me taking the...
Reasons why I can't afford more mods. Because I have to do things like this on the weekends! :) The pic was taken at about 12,000 feet. There...
Ahhhhh! A smart one. That is only the first test! :hsnono: I didnt tell you that the "big brothers" also protect the innocent from her!...
It is a good age! She's smokin hot. :bowdown: She's a skydiver. :cool: She likes to drink. :beer: She's is big into gymnastics....
her b-day is tomorrow. Rest assured. We'll be partying well into tomorrow! Im gettin too old for evenings like tonight though. Im just barely...
I am supposed to show up there for a completely different reason. A friend of mine is beginning her b-day bash there tonight. I dont know if I'll...
FAIL on my part. Sorry in my haste I mixed my XT and STi facts up in my head. :wavey: Sorry guys. See my post above. I do know of some...
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