I think everyone forgot about the possibility of winning the trophy for the largest car club! or did we all forget that one? I'm pretty sure they...
Welcome to the boards dude!
Hey thanks guys now I have a new one!
WOW! Hey I guess my 06 will be one of a kind then! only produced one year!Cool! unless they mean in 08 it changes and if it does then that is...
Happy happy Joy Joy! happy B-day bro!
I will be there with some of the Savannah crew! I need to know where to meet up with wrx atlanta on friday night and again on saturday Morning?
welcome! Whats up!
Hey guys just wanted to say great turnout tonight hopefully there will be a better one next time. See everyone again soon!:p :wavey:
Congratulations Daddy!
haha pretty cool man Good job representing!
that shit was wack with those wings but pretty funny!
ya pretty funny never saw that before!:rofl:
It is also Beebe's Birthday on sunday (03bugeye) so maybe we can do a little sumthin for him.
BBQ went pretty cool, Still was missing a pretty good chunk of the group but we had a good time nothing too special. Hopefully we will get a...
There will be a meet saturday night the 19th if any body wants to come, it will be around 7:00 pm at the usuall spot.(Mediaplay on Abercorn) See...
welcome! We should be haveing a meet on saturday 19th hopefully we will see ya out there.
I have a brand new stock STI axel back for sale only has 200 miles on it.
haha Yep!
I'm pretty sure these helmets are Snell rated I think it says it on the helmet packaging.
See most likely this is the issue! Change the pads and the problem should be resolved.
Separate names with a comma.