I pass your office every Tuesday and Thursday! I saw the pic of the 06 STI by your door, but I you always look busy so I've never stopped to say...
9:15 on the 22nd!
You mean it's not bolted tightly to the intercooler? Go bolt that shizz on tight right now!!.
He's on the board as stinny by the way.
Did he have gunmetal rims? If he did than it was probably David.
The left lap belt needs to be bolted to where the stock seatbelt mounts to the car on the left. There is a buckle on the left lap belt near where...
Adding my .02 cents: I've autocrossed two events now with my new harness, and I've got to say that it was a great purchase. I didn't realize how...
gotsol - congratulations on the class win :). I was the guy in the Blue WRX by the way. Sorry I didn't introduce myself as I was really excited...
I live 5 min away :). I'll try to make it depending on how late I get off from work.
Are you sure it's 24? I'm almost positive that it's 16.
I had a blast as usual. Too bad you weren't there Milo, I think some wrxatl.com stickers is what I need to propel me into the top 3 :) in my class.
I believe the cars in the video are the new Group-N spec Cs.
hmm...my '02 manual says 4.8 quarts. However, I'd imagine an STi's oil capacity to be similar to the LGT's. Oh, and Brian drives a S2k ;) Be...
Yeah, while walking the course, the tight slalom before the finish didn't seem that bumpy, but when I was actually driving through there I had a...
Sweet! Hope you had fun at the track day. The lot was pretty slick and dusty in some areas, which made driving more interesting. The course...
lol, well besides the turbocharged & supercharged civic, how were ya'lls runs? Sorry I bailed early, but I was dead tired and starving. Oh, and...
In D stock, you can run any DOT approved stock sized tire; any stock sized wheels as long as they are not more than -/+.25 difference on offset; a...
this is true :p
I'll be there as usual, gettin' smacked around in STX :)
Wish I could have made it, looks like it would have been a blast. I just look at the preliminary results, good job Trey :)
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