Find weird noise first>It may be causing sensor to get incorrect data thereby tripping the fault code.
What did you expect when the guy who played Gandhi is the villian....
During the week their will be less traffic and less cops.Esp with the nice weather their will be a ton of bikes on the weekends esp SUnday.
Thanks.Army of Darkness is one of my favorite all time movies..Not sure how it will do without the man with the chin.
This helps explain your rights as a consumer by law when it comes to using aftermarket parts and...
Sounds like you got it figured out.When I used to go to the gym I would leave my stuff in the car until I was done then go get it using the valet...
Not sure what you mean when you say that are gonna cover the key hole with a blank cover.If you can still access your truck with the key then so...
Took me about 25 times to get mine to work.And as far as I can tell I did it the same exact way every time.Just keep trying..
Of the cuff.. 1.Highlander(it did win the academy award for the greatest movie ever) 2.Army of Darkness. 3.The Matrix. to be continued..
A bit of info.If you are concerned about gas mileage you need to stick with low rolling resistance tires. I have to double check tomorrow on...
100 per wheel is probably the minimum you will pay.Since I assume its the outside since you wrote curbing.It will have to be straightened and...
The whole state will probably never do emissions.Its not practical for some areas.My guess is at some point in the next few years that the next...
Some companies repair bumper covers with a kind of plastic welding..I am sure that for a price your bumper can be modified to suit your taste.
Last year was my best year for income to date but I had less disposable income then normal due to jumps in cost of lots of daily/weekly...
Yes that is awesome to hear.But I would expect nothing less than that from SOK.I have been 100% satisfied in all of my dealings with them..
Yes,thats what my uncle did. he wanted something nice and fun to drive for the snow.They live up in the mountains of Va.
Thanks guys.Thy bought it.from a little old lady(for real).No rust.Its a sweet ride(not local) Thanks..
I have a member of my family that is looking at a 2000 2.5 RS.It has only 39700 miles on it and they are asking 4800.My question is what do I need...
If memory serves me you will need to contact clean air commission to answer that one.There are rules for swaps from later to earlier or in the...
Let the price gouging begin.Gonna head to the gun show and see whats up tomorrow..
Separate names with a comma.